SLANDER AND LIBEL Slander Defamation of an individual, group, organization, nation, etc. Slander is the intentional representation of false statements as true, with the intent of damaging a individuals or groups reputation. Libel Libel is defamation/slander in a written, published, or broadcast format. Private Citizens vs. Public Figures To prove libel for private citizens, the statements must be false, inadequately researched, and must have caused harm. For public figures, the above applies, but there must also be a clear intent to do harm, or a reckless disregard of the truth.
REVIEW OF KEY TERMS As a review for our first quiz of key terms, you will create your own multi-format quiz. (Define terms, multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, etc.) You will your completed quiz to Answers should not be included in the word document. Please add them directly to the body of your The quiz should be exactly 20 questions. The quiz should include all terms on the next page. Since there are only 16 terms, there will be some repetition. These quizzes are a review, so they will not be graded…however… The quiz identified as the best (by me) will be used next week as the quiz for the class. (with some possible revision) The individual with the best quiz will be exempt from taking the quiz, and will receive an automatic 100%. The Best Quiz will be determined by its clarity, accuracy, grammar, and spelling.
KEY TERMS 1.Newsworthy 2.Timeliness/Timing 3.Significance 4.Proximity 5.Prominence 6.Human Interest 7.Hard News 8.Soft News 9.Angle 10.Lead 11.Spin 12.Summary Lead 13.The Inverted Pyramid 14.Attribution 15.Libel 16.Slander