INTERNET CORRESPONDENCE AS A RESOURCE TO PROMOTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY (STUDY OF MOTIVATIONS) Kalashnikova N.T. MOU SOSH, middle school №2, Krasnoyarsk Melnikov E.S., associate professor FGOU VPO “Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University”, (KrasGAU) Krasnoyarsk
revealed positive effect. NOVELTY OF THE STUDY The use of Internet communication were recommended by teachers earlier along with other tools to revive the language lessons (plays, role-playing games, audio, video, and computer programs, immersion in a foreign language). However, there was no comprehensive scientific approach with implementation of action, arising from the research. The analysis of the problem defined method of remediation, which was used for the most problematic category of pupils and revealed positive effect.
PROBLEM Large part of pupils and students lose an active interest in foreign languages. Reasons are insufficient language training time and weak technology of individual study aimed at self-education. One of the way to improve the training can become strengthening motivation to learn. Proposed methods are too labour-consuming for a teacher. Others assume special computer technologies which can help only enough motivated pupils.
Drawing 1. Dynamics of motives to study at primary school YES % CLASSES
CHANGE OF MOTIVES This change of motives dominating from external to internal, noted in initial classes, progresses further in middle and senior classes.
The choice is proved by interest of learners to computer technologies. Correspondence is carried out by learners at home. Teacher is released from necessity of out-of-class work. His role is limited to consultations during usual lessons.
THE METHODICAL TEACHING AID “FRIENDS ON CORRESPONDENCE IN ENGLISH” It allows to use safe (without danger of computer viruses and a pornography) way of searching foreign friends. The aid is completed with CD-disk with bilingual texts. It allows to facilitate the most difficult stage of the correspondence - its beginning.
Drawing 4. Influence of Internet correspondence on motivation YES% CLASSES
CONCLUSIONS Using the Internet correspondence technique, learners of the most problematic groups have raised motivation indicator and began to use foreign language in their life. Manual on Internet correspondence can be included in educational methodical materials for the organization of foreign language teaching in all educational institutions for out-of-class work.