Hispanics & Latinos Minority Studies
2014: White Median Income: $56,866 $1093/week 2014: Black Median Income: $35,398 $680.73/week $817/week
Label each country. Color each country based on if that country is considered Hispanic or Latino.
Warm-up: 10/21/16 Should illegal immigrants be allowed to go to school in the United States? Should schools provide courses, like math and science, in English and Spanish (or other languages)?
Sheltered Content Classes Bilingualism ESL ELL English Only Immersion Programs Sheltered Content Classes
If non-English speaking students are isolated in foreign-language classrooms, they won’t learn English as quickly.
ELL’s can be put in separate sheltered classes and still get equal education.
Non-native English speakers should learn English because it is a key to social mobility.
Facts about Bilingual Education Many immigrant parents are against bilingual education Teaching English is the main goal of every bilingual program Research has shown developing knowledge in a native language increases academic achievement
Facts about Bilingual Education Linguistic assimilation is more rapid now, than any other time in U.S. History 1-2 years to learn conversational English 5-7 years to learn academic English
Forms of Bilingual Education Two-way (Immersion)- half the class is Native English, have is another Native Language Parts of the class are taught in English and half is taught in the other language so both groups are learning in both languages Transitional- focus on fluency in native language and then worry about English Developmental- all students speak the same native language, taught by bilingual teacher, as fluency in English increases, use of native language decreases