The High and Late Middle Ages 1050 - 1450 Chapter 8 The High and Late Middle Ages 1050 - 1450
8.1 Royal Power Grows - Objectives - Learn how monarchs gained power over nobles and the Church. Describe how William the Conqueror and Henry II strengthened English royal power. Analyze the traditions of government that developed under King John and later English monarchs. Explain how strong monarchs unified France.
Terms, People, and Places 8.1 William the Conqueror Common Law Jury King John Magna Carta Due Process of Law Habeas Corpus Parliament Louis IX
Lecture 8.1 Monarchs, Nobles, and the Church English Kings Strengthen Their Power Evolving Traditions of Government Successful Monarchs in France
Formative Assessment 8.1 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 8 Assessments Section 1 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
8.2 The Holy Roman Empire and the Church - Objectives - Understand why Holy Roman emperors failed to build a unified nation-state in Germany. Describe the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV and summarize the struggle to control Italy. Analyze how the Church reached the height of its power under Pope Innocent III.
Terms, People, and Places 8.2 Holy Roman Empire Henry IV Pope Gregory VII Lay Investiture Fredrick Barbarossa Pope Innocent III
Lecture 8.2 The Holy Roman Empire The Feud Between Pope and Emperor The Struggle for Italy Church Power Reaches Its Height
Formative Assessment 8.2 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 8 Assessments Section 2 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
8.3 The Crusades and the Wider World - Objectives - Identify the advanced civilizations that were flourishing in 1050. Explain the causes and effects of the Crusades. Summarize how Christians in Spain carried out the Reconquista.
Terms, People, and Places 8.3 Crusades Holy Land Pope Urban II Reconquista Ferdinand and Isabella Inquistion
Lecture 8.3 The World in 1050 The Crusades The Impact of the Crusades The Reconquista
Formative Assessment 8.3 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 8 Assessments Section 3 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
8.4 Learning and Culture Flourish - Objectives - Explain the emergence of universities and their importance to medieval life. Understand how newly translated writing from the past and from other regions influenced medieval thought. Describe the literature, architecture, and art of the High and Late Middle Ages.
Terms, People, and Places 8.4 Scholasticism Thomas Aquinas Vernacular Dante Alighieri Geoffrey Chaucer Gothic Style Flying Buttresses Illumination
Lecture 8.4 Medieval Universities Emerge Europeans Acquire “New” Learning Medieval Lecture Architecture and Art
Formative Assessment 8.4 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 8 Assessments Section 4 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
8.5 A Time of Crisis - Objectives - Understand how the Black Death caused social and economic decline. Describe the problems facing the Church in the late Middle Ages and how the Church reacted. Summarize the causes, turning points, and effects of the Hundred Year’s War.
Terms, People, and Places 8.5 Black Death Epidemic Inflation Schism Longbow
Lecture 8.5 The Black Death: A Global Epidemic Upheaval in the Church The Hundred Year’s War
Formative Assessment 8.5 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 8 Assessments Section 5 Progress Monitoring (1-10)
Summative Assessment Chapter 8 (Bridge Page) Web Code= [nad]-[1010] World History Home Page 2009 (red book) Survey (red book) Chapter 8 Assessments Chapter Progress Monitoring (1-20)