Harker Heights Counseling Staff Daniel Stovall, House 1 (A-Cha, TBI) Sarah Delozier House 2 (Che-Gat) Cassie Scott, House 3 (Gau-K) Patricia White, House 4 (L-O) Sherce Hampton, House 5 (P-Smi) Kimberly Shultz, House 6 (Smo-Z) Tracey Tepera, Career Center Gayle Wilson, Guidance secretary
CYB-MFLAC The Child and Youth Behavioral Military Family Life Counseling is available here at HHHS. Private and confidential non-medical counseling service to military families. Ms. Bulls is located in the guidance office. You will need to complete the parental permission slip to meet with Ms. Bulls. This form can be found on the guidance office webpage and in the guidance office.
CTC Mentor The Central Texas College mentor will be starting on October 1st. The mentor will be available in the guidance office. Students will be able to sign up for appointments. Mentor can assist with dual credit paperwork, questions on college applications, general college questions.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS- Foundation With Endorsement 4 English credits 4 Science credits 4 Math credits 3 or 4 Social Studies credits 2 Foreign Language credits 1 P.E. credit 1 Fine Arts credit 7 Elective credits – including Endorsementt classes A total of 26 credits are required for graduation – Know your credits! See your counselor regarding other plans. Must pass all 5 sections of the exit level STAARS in order to graduate
Good online resource Visit www.killeenisd.org and check out the “KISD Student Guide to the Future”. It can be found under “Departments” – “Guidance and Counseling” and the guidance webpage. This guide covers all kinds of info about high school, college, and career planning. Use it! Show it to your parents.
University-Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD degrees 4 year University 2 Year Community College Business, Technical, and Trade Schools University-Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD degrees a requirement for most professional jobs Community College-tuition is less than a public 4 year school, can transfer credits Trade School-Certificates/2 year diploma may be earned
College Information College entrance tests: TSI, ACT, and or SAT Look at 3 different schools Check out college websites Watch deadlines
Military & ASVAB Educational benefits for higher education. Benefits transferable to family members. Benefits differ from state to state. Valuable work experience – on-going benefits after retirement Recruiters visit our office – see our secretary if you wish to see a recruiter. ASVAB Test date is October 10th, all seniors on campus will take this test.
Completing Applications APPLY EARLY!! APPLY EARLY! APPLY EARLY! GET STARTED NOW!!!!!!! Get organized! For Texas schools, go now to www.applytexas.org to apply online – preferred by most schools Remember letters of recommendation Request an Official Transcript from the Registrar’s office next to the cafeteria or through Parchment.com Counselors can’t send transcripts.
Applying to NCAA Fee to apply You need a transcript from every high school you have attended No actual deadline on applying but should apply by beginning of senior year to be considered by athletic recruiters Students needs to be aware of which courses are approved with NCAA Athletes - Go to the website www.ncaa.org to apply
Contact the College Financial Aid Office EARLY!!!!! File the FAFSA after Oct 1st Check with each college’s financial aid office often. Be persistent and ask questions of the colleges. Contact their financial aid/admissions offices with your specific questions. You can email colleges with any questions and they will answer you. Don’t be shy!!!
FINANCIAL AID Five types: Federal Grants – FREE money! FAFSA new rules this year Scholarships – FREE money! Private/federal Loans – must be repaid! Work/Study programs at colleges Your Own Pocket – OUCH!
Sources for scholarships: Guidance Office – sign up on webpage Other websites, for example, www.fastweb.com – we can give you a list of reputable websites so stop by and ask our secretary. Local Organizations Churches Colleges, etc.
Scams are out there! Beware of scams – avoid any “Services” that want you to pay money for them to find you money for college. Info about financial aid is FREE!!! -------------------------------------------------------------- Notify the Guidance office secretary of all scholarships you receive – we want to brag on you at graduation! Deadline to do this is May 7th. Check the procedures for scholarship award announcement on the guidance webpage.
Remember… We are here to help with specific questions you may have. E-mail your counselor if needed – see our website for our addresses Call in advance for parent appointment if needed w/counselor Student can do optional sign-up with Guidance secretary for senior conferences
Last reminders… Order your final transcript in May in the Registrar’s office to be sent to the school you will actually attend. Your counselor can excuse 2 college visits – see the Guidance secretary for the College Visit form in advance of the visit. If you do not have a computer at home, you can use the Guidance office and library computers for college applications and scholarships. This is all up to you! Get busy! Now!!!
Senior Important Dates Sign up for Remind 101: text @hhhs12 to 81010 Check website: HHHS Website, Student Support, Student Activities, Click tab: Seniors: Class of 2018 Information Important Dates October 24th Senior Formal Retakes January 9th Senior Assembly January 23-25 Senior Cap and Gown Pictures by appointment only (see Tammy Hunter) January 16-17 Senior Graduation Orders taken 11:30-1:30 April apx 25 Cap and Gown Delivery Sunday, June 1st 3pm Bell County Expo GRADUATION!!!!
College Nights Central Texas Regional College Fair - Thursday September 27th Bell County Expo Center 6-8pm. Over 100 Colleges and Universities represented.