Reminders: November 8 Extended Outline – Should be finished by the end of class today! Tomorrow – we will work on editing your paper. Unit Test, this Friday – November 17 (study guide will be given tomorrow!) You need a copy of Much Ado About Nothing (No Fear Shakespeare version) the day you return!
Rhetorical Analysis Practice On Civil Disobedience Learning Target: Identify the author’s purpose and analyze the argument presented. Analyze and evaluate the organization of ideas. Evaluate rhetorical appeals and their effectiveness in argument. On the next slide, view the images and jot down what you notice about the images. What do you see? What do they have in common? What do they have that is different? Rhetorical Analysis Practice
On Civil Disobedience Reading Purpose: Identify Gandhi’s central claim (put a star next to it) What rhetorical appeals does the author use? (ethos/pathos/logos) What rhetorical devices does the author use? Circle unknown words and phrases. Try to determine the meaning of the words using context clues or dictionary. **Questions 1&2 + what is the tone? Exit Ticket for today (quarter sheet) On Civil Disobedience
Finish Extended Outline