IPAC15 - Financial Update Cash Needs through 9/5/14 8/6/2014 8/4/2014 Cash on Hand 9,211.72 6/16/2014 IPAC'14 Student Commit (115.95) Cash Available for IPAC'15 Activities 9,095.77 5/5/2014 Authorize.net Service (125.00) 6/5/2014 Authroize.net (20.00) 7/5/2014 7/16/2014 ACE Dresden Travel (3,866.00) 8/5/2014 9/1/2014 ACE Contract (3,000.00) 9/5/2014 Cash Needs Through 9/5/14 (7,071.00) ~ Cash Balance on 9/6/14 2,024.77 Colonial Man repair cost $282.32. Federal Express claim submitted value of "Med" Insurance unknown. Conference Chair Equipment Bag $112.20 Loan options are being addressed.
IPAC15 - Financial Update Action Items: Merchant Account Registration Page Set-up & Testing (Pam, Todd, & Stephanie) – Complete by 8/21 Concerns of delayed Sponsor / Exhibitor payments if no deadlines are imposed. Suggestions: Sponsorships 50% deposit @ registration, balance due by 2/27/15 Early Exhibitors 50% deposit @ registration, balance due by 10/31 Penalty options for late payment $650 penalty Regular Exhibitors full payment upon registration Cancellation Fee $300 Applies to all Sponsorship & Exhibitor Registrations Where to disclose? (Conditions or Reg Page)
IPAC15 - Financial Update Action Items continued: IEEE Financial Software System NetSuite Training & Implementation (Pam) – In progress GL Account conversion - complete. Budget & Incurred Transactions must be manually entered Inception to Date. – 9/30 IEEE Webinar scheduled for August 13th. Develop process for European & Asian Student Fund Distribution (Pam, Stephanie, Hari)
IPAC’15 - Financial Update 8/6/2014 Revenue & Loans APS Grant (IPAC'13 & '14) 27,500.00 Interest Earned 65.44 APS Loan 25,000.00 IEEE Loan Total Funds In 77,565.44 Expense IPAC'13 Student & LOC Travel 19,376.34 IPAC'14 Student Travel 13,495.44 IPAC'15 OC/SPC1 Meeting 9,548.60 IPAC'15 OC/SPC2 Meeting 4,992.00 IPAC'15 Management Fee 20,357.80 IPAC'15 Software 149.00 Conference Chair Equip Bag 112.20 Colonial Man Repairs 282.34 Bank Fees 40.00 Commitments IPAC'14 APS Grant Rollover 115.95 Total Expense & Commitments 68,469.67 Available Balance 9,095.77