Stem Cell Opinion Poll Activity 5.1
STEM CELLS When looking at the opinion polls remember to look at the date and the number of people surveyed
Using stem cells to conduct medical research and treat disease is acceptable?" Biotechnology Australia – Community Attitudes to Biotechnology Yes No Dont know 92%5%3%
Do you approve of the extraction of stem cells from human embryos for medical research?" Ray Morgan Poll Yes No Dont know 82%13%5%
Do you approve of the use of excess donated embryos from IVF treatment for stem cell research?" Health and medical opinion research poll Yes No 74%26%
Do you approve of therapeutic cloning for health and medical research?" Health and medical opinion research poll Yes No 60%40%
June 2007 Community Attitudes to Biotechnology Report on Overall Perceptions of Biotechnology and General Applications, prepared by Eureka Strategic Research, June 2007
"Do you support or oppose embryonic stem cell research? (US) Accessed at ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Jan , N=1,000 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Support Oppose Unsure 61%31%8%
" Do you support or oppose loosening the current restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research? (US poll) Accessed at ABC News/Washington Post Poll. Jan , N=1,000 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Support Oppose Unsure 55%38%7%
" Should the government ease the restrictions on use of federal money to research embryonic stem cells, or not?" Accessed at Associated Press-AOL News Poll conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs. Dec , N=1,004 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.1. Support Oppose Unsure 56%41%3%
Public opinion polls from pre 2005
" Do you approve or disapprove of stem cell research -- that is, medical research using tissue from human embryos? 2003 Poll Accessed at FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. July 15-16, N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3. Approve Disapprove Not sure 46%37%16%
" In general, do you think that it is morally acceptable or morally wrong to use human cloning technology in developing new treatments for disease?" (US 2003) Accessed at Virginia Commonwealth University Life Sciences Survey. Sept. 3-26, N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Acceptable Not acceptable Unsure 36%53%11%
" Do you think that cloning that is designed specifically to result in the birth of a human being should be legal or illegal in the United States?" (US 2003) Accessed at CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Jan. 3-5, N=1,000 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3. Legal Illegal Unsure 11%86%3%
" Do you favour or oppose scientific experimentation on the cloning of human beings?". US 2002) Accessed at Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Feb. 25-March 10, N=2,002 adults nationwide. MoE ± 2.5. Favour Opposed Dont know/ Refused 17%77%6% If "Oppose": "Is your objection to research on human cloning based more on the belief that the science is not yet safe enough but could be in the future, or the belief that it is morally wrong?" Not safe yet19% Morally wrong71% Both equally6% Other2% Dont know/Refused1%
" Thinking for a moment about cloning: Do you approve or disapprove of cloning that is designed specifically to result in the birth of a human being?" Form A (N=518, MoE ± 5) ( US 2002) Accessed at CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll. Nov , Nationwide. Approve Disapprove No opinion 9% 88%3% " Thinking for a moment about cloning: Do you approve or disapprove of cloning that is not designed to specifically result in the birth of a human being, but is designed to aid medical research that might find treatments for certain diseases?" Form B (N=507, MoE ± 5) ( US 2002) Approve Disapprove No opinion 54% 41%5%
" As you may know, scientists have made advances in cloning, where they can reproduce a whole animal from a single cell. Do you think it is acceptable to use cloning to [see below]?" US 2002) Accessed at FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Feb , N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3. Acceptable Not acceptable Unsure Reproduce endangered species Reproduce livestock Reintroduce extinct species Reproduce a beloved pet such as a dog or cat Reproduce humans 7894
" How likely do you think it is that somewhere in the world a human has already been secretly cloned? (US 2002) Accessed at FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Feb , N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3. % Very likely 30 Somewhat likely 26 Not very likely 20 Not at all likely 18 Not sure 6
Yes Agree Support Should Approve
No Disagree Oppose Should not Do not approve
Dont know No opinion Unsure Neutral