World News in One Minute Focus on picking out a few stories that you can use as an example. Focus on a few stories you do not understand.
In Pairs in less then 1:301:30 Create a list of stories you might be able to use as an example in Related Issues 3. Create a list of questions you have about the stories you just saw. Discuss with your partner the stories you saw. Think of some questions you might have.
Current News 1)Is it a good idea to go ahead and reduce border security with the United States?
Questions or Comments about the News?
Brain Storming Internationalism Foreign Policy International Organizations Economics Peace Humanitarianism: efforts to help out people
Chapter 10 Chart (10min) TermDefinitionExample Sanctions Economic Sanctions Foreign Aid Gross national income and.7 per cent Solution Tied Aid
Instructions In rows create an easy to remember definition for your one term. Then start brain storming some examples you can use. Use your notes and books to help you
TermDefinitionExample Sanctionsaction by one state against another to force compliance with an obligation Syria, Iran, Own idea Economic SanctionsCutting off tradeSyria, Libya Own idea Foreign AidCharity from rich countries to poor countries Red cross, UNICEF, Samaritans purse Own Idea Gross national income and.7 per cent Solution Refers to the total value of the goods and services produced by a country in a year. For every $1 Canada makes on their GNI they should committee.70 cents to foreign aid. Tied AidAid given with motives that are based on political interests, or historical relationships. Donor countries issuing credits. Own Idea
Economic Sanctions A way to pressure countries 1990 the UN imposed economic sanctions on Iraq to try and force the dictator to co- opeerate with the UN. -some people thought thee sanctions were to try and cause a revolution in Iran.
Problems with Sanctions Countries allies help them out If all countries do not listen the sanctions could hurt the countries forcing the sanctions instead of the bad country. Sanctions hurt citizens more then government.
Exit Slip One thing I learned…. (try to be specific) A question I have…. (or something I need to know more about)