Chemical Admixtures for Concrete Pipe Ed Mansky Grace Construction Products Febuary 11, 2014 Ver 1.1
Concrete Admixtures Learning Objectives Provide an introduction of chemical admixtures for use in concrete Discuss definitions, uses, benefits, and cautionary measures
Introduction Definition A material other than water, aggregates, hydraulic cement, and fiber reinforcement, used as an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly mixed, setting, or hardened properties and that is added to the batch before or during its mixing Through chemical and physical actions, admixtures interact with the hydrating cementitious system to change the characteristics of the fresh or hardened state of concrete. SCM is considered a mineral admix (supplementary cementitious materials)
Introduction A modern wetcast concrete is more than a mixture of cement, aggregate and water ADMIXTURES and MINERAL COMPONENTS are becoming as ESSENTIAL as PORTLAND CEMENT when making modern concrete Today Concrete without mineral components or admixtures is found in museums Admixtures enhance the properties of concrete and mortar in the plastic and hardened state. Effectiveness in concrete will depend on its concentration and the effect of the various constituents in the concrete mixture. Very unusual to make concrete w/o an admix with wetcast – because of enhanced performance and/or economic considerations 4
Introduction Major reasons for using admixtures are: To reduce the cost of concrete construction To achieve certain properties in concrete more effectively than by other means To maintain the quality of concrete during the stages of mixing, transporting, placing, and curing in adverse and varying weather conditions To overcome certain emergencies during concreting operations Keep in mind that no admixture of any type or amount can be considered a substitute for good concrete practice Key slide. Highlight of the benefits of using admixtures Productivity gains. Materials savings. Process improvements.
Introduction Admixtures can be used to modify various fresh and hardened concrete properties: Fresh state Hardened state decrease water content increase workability reduce segregation reduce the rate of slump loss improve pumpability improve placeability & finishability modify the rate of bleeding retard or accelerate setting time improve freeze / thaw resistance improve impact & abrasion resistance inhibit expansion due to ASR inhibit corrosion reduce shrinkage cracking reduce permeability produce colored concrete produce cellular concrete Admixtures provide an important component to improving the performance of concrete.
Chemical Admixture Types Water-reducing admixtures (plasticizers) Retarding admixtures Accelerators Corrosion inhibitors Air-entraining admixtures Lubricants or surfactants There are many kinds of chemical admixtures that can function in a variety of ways to modify the chemical and physical properties of concrete.
Water Reducers Among the most common admixtures used in precast and pipe production is water reducers. There are many types, and it is imperative that producers understand their function to be sure they are gaining the maximum advantage when using them. Ver 1.1
Water Reducers and High Range Water Reducers (HRWR / Superplasticizers) WRDA and Supers are of many differing chemistries and compositions and understanding how they work is important to concrete production.
Water Reducing Admixtures Overview Can be used to reduce water content, improve slump or both Three groups: low-, medium- and high-range How it works Reducing flocculation and improves water efficiency Effects on Concrete Increased strength Increased slump and workability Keeps particles separated creating less friction between the particles and superior cement hydration. 5% - 12% for low range, high range reducer provide as much as 30% reduction in water. Mid range, while not recognized by ASTM C494 provide water reduction in the area between low and high range reducers. . Added benefit is a slight retarding affect, which can enhance workability time as well as result in increased 28 day strengths.
Water Reducer and High Range Water Reducer Definition (ACI 116) Admixtures that either increase slump of freshly-mixed mortar or concrete without increasing water content OR maintain slump with a reduced amount of water, the effect being due to factors other than air entrainment Water reducers also referred to as Type A, D, E, F, & G per ASTM C 494.
Water Reducer and High Range Water Reducer How they work Superplasticizers, may reduce the water requirement by more than 30%, without the side effect of excessive retardation. By dispersing the cement grains and allowing superior hydration to take place, much improved strengths are a result. Without Admixture With Admixture
Water Reducer and High Range Water Reducer How they work Superplasticizers, may reduce the water requirement by more than 30%, without the side effect of excessive retardation. By dispersing the cement grains and allowing superior hydration to take place, much improved strengths are a result. Water reducers and superplasticizers can have a dramatic effect on the workability of concrete. Slump increases without the addition of water. Without Admixture With Admixture
How Conventional Type A Water Reducers Work + Water Cement When cement is mixed with water, cement grains cluster together to form “flocs”, which trap water inside them. This trapped water is not available to contribute to the workability of the plastic concrete, and causes non-uniform cement hydration. Cement grains naturally cluster together to form flocs, which trap water inside them
- Floc Busting Action of Water Reducers 1. Water Reducer coats the cement grains Freed Water Cement - 2. Water Reducer imparts negative charge to cement grains Water reducers separate cement flocs into individual grains through the mechanism of electrostatic repulsion. Trapped water is released, and that water now available to increase workability and contribute to cement hydration 3. Like charges repel cement grains away from each other
- - - The Result: + admix = + Cement flocs are broken up and water is evenly dispersed The Result: Increased Water Cut (Lower W/C Ratio): Lower water/cement ratio means improved product strength and quality, “insurance policy” Improved Workability: Concrete that is easier to place and finish, with no sacrifice in quality Freeing of the trapped water through the use of dispersents allows more cement surface areas to be contacted by water for improved hydration and improves the workability of the concrete mix.
Effect of Water Reducer Water Reducer (disperses materials for better flowability) Explanation Flocculation versus de-flocculation w/o admix, cement “Flocks” together. With the admix, the particles are dispersed. No Water Reducer (Materials are clinging together) 17
COMB POLYMERS Cement Dispersion by Steric Repulsion Comb Teeth Water Hooking units, Comb Backbone + Cement + + + + + Cement The newest Mid Range / High Range Water Reducers are a formulated comb polymer blend. Comb polymers have highly engineered polymer backbones to which are attached pendant polymer strings (comb teeth) The backbone has a positive charge and therefore is attracted to the cement grain. The “teeth” then stretch out and repel each other through physical force which is called steric repulsion The “teeth” are also hydrophylic, drawing water into the cement grain and ensuring increased rate of hydration. Because hydration is faster, set times are shorter while maintaining superior workability times. Slump retention is good because the “teeth” keep the cement grains apart during the hydration process and maintain workability for a longer period of time. Therefore, this technology has two great advantages over the conventional mechanisms. Excellent water reduction with longer slump life and shorter set times. Comb polymer Steric (physical) Repulsion Force
How Superplasticizers Work- video This video demonstrates how water reducers and the newest superplasticizers work. Previous technologies allowed for water reduction and improved strengths through a mechanism of particle repulsion caused by electrical charges on the cement grains. New technologies of polycarboxylate admixtures allow for superior workability and cement dispersion through a completely different mechanism that involves engineered polymers and a more physical particle repulsion mechanism.
Why Water Reduction? Provides dispersion of cement particles Strength reduces water demand while maintaining slump (workability) thus increases concrete strength Benefit lower concrete permeability can reduce concrete costs with less cementitious material if used correctly Wrap up. How and why water reduction is important to concrete production.
Classification Normal water reducer TYPE A (decreases the water requirements by about 5 – 10%) Ca or Na salts of lignosulfonic acid salts of hydroxycarboxylic acids Carbohydrate Gluconates Mid-range water-reducing (decreases the water requirements by about 6 – 12%) …. no ASTM Complex aqueous solution of lignosulfonates with accelerating admixtures Polycarboxylate ether with set and strength enhancing ingredients Superplasticizer TYPE F&G (decreases the water requirements by about 12 - 30%) Sulfonated melamine formaldehyde Sulfonated naphtalene formaldehyde Polycarboxylates Chemistry for each of the admixture ranges vary due to water requirements; low range typically use lignins, gluconates. mid-range refined lignins or polycarboxylate, and high range is refined polycarboxylates or melamines or naphtalenes derivitives. Most admixes are carbohydrate based
Effects on Properties of Fresh Concrete The use of water reducer / superplasticizer: Increases slump Improves flow Improves placeability Improves pumpability Improves finishability Improves formed surfaces Can have an effect on air content and setting Setting times can be extended, workability times can be extended, and air entrainment admixture dosage generally has to be recalibrated.
Slump Flow Test - SCC The ultimate in workability enhancement. Self Consolidating Concrete. Made possible by admixture developments.
Effects on Properties of Hardened Concrete Due to Lower w/cm Ratio When using water reducer / HRWR Compressive strength increases Permeability decreases Chloride resistance increases Frost resistance improves Increases sulfate resistance Increases resistance to abrasion In nut shell by creating lesser void areas, lesser chance for outside elements creating problems. Lower w/c translate to higher strength. However, additional cost, modification with air entraining, less responsive with some cements. Features above are due to lower w/c
Retarding & Set Stabilizing Ver 1.1
Retarding Admixtures and/or Set Stabilizers How it works Decreases the rate of cement hydration (C3S) Admixture absorbs into calcium hydroxide atoms and temporarily inhibit their growth into larger crystals Effects on Concrete Delays Initial set Extends workability time Two types; Type B retarder and Type D water reducer and retarding also provide a retarding effect. Both types offset unwanted effects of high temperatures / high cement contents, like acceleration of set and reduction of 28 day strengths.
Accelerators Ver 1.1
Accelerators How they work Why accelerate concrete? Increases rate of cement hydration (C3S) Why accelerate concrete? Shorten the setting time Quicker early strength Reduce bleeding Earlier finishing Improved initial protection against freezing Earlier use of structure / piece Reduction of protection time to achieve a given quality The admixture stimulates the calcium compounds in the cement. Accelerators are not anti-freezing agents, therefore concrete must be protected in freezing weather. Other types of accelerators would be silicates, alkali hydroxide, nitrates, and bromides. Some accelerators are used to reduce set time only w/o increase in early strength, others are used specifically to increase early strength. Be sure to verify if accelerator contains chloride or not
Accelerating Admixtures 2 Classes of Accelerating Admixtures: Set Accelerator Strength Accelerator (Early Age) Calcium Chloride is a well known accelerator, but BEWARE, it should not be used in reinforced concrete Several non-chloride, non-corrosive accelerators are available, but generally most are not as effective as calcium chloride Calcium Chloride is not recommended for use in reinforced concrete due increased corrosion of the reinforcement in its presence. 29
Calcium Chloride Very effective & economical accelerator Cautions when using chloride-bearing admixture DO NOT use in ANY reinforced concrete high potential to cause corrosion calcium chloride should not exceed 2% in non reinforced concrete calcium chloride should not exceed 1% when concrete contains uncoated aluminum conduit can cause discoloration issues (dark and light gray spots, especially on hard trowled finishes) Should not be used where sulfate resistance is required. Should be dissolved in a portion of mixing water before batching (reduce lumps that may disfigure concrete later). Should be dispensed separately in the mix from air entraining admixtures. Be sure local specs allow this type of accelerator 30
Time of Set Control Retarding vs Accelerating Use of admixes get you to where you want to be…either accelerated or retarded set times. Always a compromise
Corrosion Inhibitors Ver 1.1
Corrosion Inhibitors How it works Effects on Concrete Passive film enhances the protection of reinforcing steel from corrosion in the concrete Generally, corrosion inhibitors are not needed to protect steel reinforcing, due to the passivating effect of the high pH in the concrete. Effects on Concrete May accelerate initial set May improve early age strength Typically concrete pH is around 12 to 13 during the initial hydration phase. These admixtures are added to concrete during batching and they protect embedded reinforcement by delaying the onset of corrosion and also reducing the rate of corrosion after initiation.
Corrosion Inhibitors Control Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement Dosage dependent on anticipated chloride level Corrosion inhibitors were developed to prevent / reduce the effects of chloride induced corrosion. Chlorides introduced from deicing salts or seawater lead to corrosion of embedded steel in concrete. (Insert): The damage to this concrete parking structure resulted from chloride-induced corrosion of steel reinforcement. (50051). Not uncommon to use gallons of corrosion inhibitor – depends upon anticipated chloride exposure and resulting corrosion.
Air Entraining Ver 1.1
Air Entraining Admixtures ASTM C260 Overview Create stable system of microscopic air bubbles How it works Microscopic air bubbles gives water a place to expand during freezing conditions Effects on Concrete Increased resistance to freeze-thaw damage Improved workability of fresh concrete Every 1% air entraining potentially reduces the concrete strength by up to 5-10% The admixture acts like a slight friction reducer this adds to effectiveness of the workability of fresh concrete.
Air-Entraining Admixtures Definition Are used to produce concrete that is resistant to the effects of freezing and thawing and to improve workability V Pic just to show how it creates tiny bubbles. Polished section of air-entrained concrete as seen through a microscopic
Air-Entraining Admixtures Significance of freezing and thawing The most potentially destructive weathering factor is freezing and thawing while the concrete is wet, particularly in the presence of de-icing chemicals used for snow and ice removal Contrary to fresh concrete which can be protected, we can’t avoid the exposure of mature concrete to alternating freezing and thawing Due to freezing and thawing, hardened concrete can suffer both internal as well as surface damage. Internal damage can lead to loss of strength and structural integrity. The de-icing salts lower the freezing point of water and therefore create more freeze/thaw cycles
Mechanism of Frost Damage Hydraulic pressures Caused by the 9% expansion of water upon freezing Growing ice crystals displace unfrozen water If a capillary is above critical saturation (91.7% filled with water) hydraulic pressures results as freezing progresses At low water contents, no hydraulic pressure should exist Critical saturation begins at 91.7% Water is forced ahead of the advancing freezing front Water expands 9% on freezing Internal hydrostatic pressures can disrupt the concrete
Effect of Entrained Air Surface Damage 2% air 4% air 6% air Difference between 2-6% =Dramatically improved Durability with air entrainment - even if it may not as strong ASTM C 672: Samples are monitored visually and for loss of mass over a period of 50 or more cycles of freezing and thawing in presence of salts
Mechanism of Air Entrainment Hydrophobic end is attracted to air within bubbles + - Aggregate Surface tension reduced – stable bubbles Air Charges around bubbles lead to repulsive forces between bubbles (prevent coalescence) + - Cement + - Cement + - Aggregate Bubbles adhere to cement & aggregate particles – cohesion of mix improved AEA’s do not add air to the concrete…they make the air that is already there…STABLE
Un-wanted air in Concrete (Wetcast) How much air should be in concrete (no admixtures)? Less than 3% How much air should be in concrete with no AEA admixture, only WR or other admixture? Less than 3% If you have MORE than 3% AIR in concrete with NO admixtures… it’s a cement issue If you have MORE than 3% AIR in concrete with just WR (no AEA) … it’s an admixture issue or a cement issue The above assumes that the quality of the water is OK, bad water can cause air issues (too much-too little)
Many factors effect the development of air entrainment. Entraining Air Many factors effect the development of air entrainment. Mixing time Materials Sequencing Temperature Mixing Action Equipment Dosage Rates Admixtures *Almost everything! It hasn’t been until recently that technology has been developed so that we can better understand what is going on in the mixer with regards to the development and amount of entrained air. We can now see the effectiveness of mixing, sequencing, materials, mix time etc and how it can effect the generation and amount of entrained air in a mix.
Lubricants and Surfactants Ver 1.1
Lubricants & Surfactants (Drycast) How it works Decreases surface friction and therefore aids in stripping forms Increased reaction to vibration Improved moisture retention Effects on Concrete Can improve appearance Improved water tolerance Increase in surface paste
Dry Cast admixes Productivity improvement Reduction in cracking Improved surface swipe Sharper joints / reduced repair Rheology modifiers (mix lubricants) can enhance the mechanical consolidation of concrete mixes, speeding production and reducing the stickiness of the mixes. They can also improve the hydration characteristics of low water content mixes and reduce moisture loss due to evaporation. Improved surface finishes and leak proof joints can be a benefit of using these types of products.
ASTM Specs Ver 1.1
Current Admixture Standards ASTM C 494 ASTM C 260 ASTM D 98 ASTM C 869 ASTM C 1141 ASTM C 1017 ASTM C 937 ASTM C 979 Chemical Admixtures Air-entraining Admixtures Calcium Chloride Foaming Agents Admixture for Shotcrete Flowing Concrete Grout Fluidifier Pigments Summary of ASTM standards for concrete admixtures. Within some of specs are many sub-specs, such as ASTM C494 has Type A-G categories.
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