Your Group Name Members, date, block
Explain the design problem
How did your group go about solving the problem? Research Knowledge from the class that was applied
What is your solution? Map animals
How/why were the animals chosen?
Cost and materials
Why is your design desirable? How would the community benefit?
If your proposal is accepted, how will you take the project further If your proposal is accepted, how will you take the project further? Who will be involved? What role would engineers have in your project? What role would designers have in your project? What other fields of expertise would be needed?
How have you applied your knowledge of our zoology coursework in this project? This is not just an opinion question… Even if you haven’t applied all of your knowledge, how could/should your knowledge of this course be applied?
Overall what did this experience teach you? Being forced to do a long term project with many components taught me… Being able to research something in depth taught me… Being given a problem, with some constraints, but being able to solve that problem in any way… Designing a zoo..