Working from Height over 3m Approved Contractor Works to be carried out by approved contractor Assess with contractor appropriate method of vertical access. Provide job specific risk assessment and method statement and complete a site induction. Head of Department or Deputy check assessments Contractor must provide own method of vertical access Contractor to provide appropriate certification for works, e.g IPAF, PASMA, CSCS Head of Department or Deputy to issue permit to works including any additional controls required. Permit must be signed daily for duration of works HOD or deputy may carry out inspection visits during works Carry out works At the end of each work session, either remove method of vertical access or put control measures in place to ensure no unauthorised access On completion of works permit should be signed as complete by HOD or deputy. Actions of college staff RMP/14a (1) Documentation to be retained by HOD for XX years. Actions of contractors 27/11/2018
Working from Height over 3m Works to be carried out by College Staff Advise HOD or Deputy of works to be completed Agree with Head of Department method of vertical access to be used If Tower Scaffold or Cherry Picker required it should be hired in from reputable hire company and should be delivered with inspection certificates If full Scaffold required it should be contracted to an appropriately qualified scaffolder who should follow instructions for works to be carried out to approved contractor until rig completed and formally handed over Operative must have attended ladder training within past 12 months If long ladders required, then operative should inspect ladder prior to each work session HOD to confirm that staff are suitably qualified to erect and use equipment Contractor to agree with HOD or deputy any inspection regime required If long ladders required, then operative should request assistant to foot ladder HOD or deputy may carry out inspection visits during works HOD or deputy may carry out inspection visits during works HOD or deputy may carry out inspection visits during works Carry out works Actions of college staff At the end of each work session, either remove method of vertical access or put control measures in place to ensure no unauthorised access Actions of contractors RMP/14a (1) 27/11/2018