Thursday in 609 is gonna be just fine Thursday in 609 is gonna be just fine. Answer the following on your bell work paper. 1. Why did the philosophy of Legalism end the Warring States Period? 6.35 Shi Huang Di forced people to obey government and forced people to work as one people under one ruler or be severely punished. B. Shi Huang Di was loved by his people due to converting to Buddhism. C. Legalism was the only philosophy that put the needs of the family and society first. D. Legalism did not end the Warring States Period, Confucianism did. 2. Why did Emperor Shi Huang Di start the construction of the Great Wall of China? 6.35 To keep out Buddhism C. To keep out invaders and nomads from the North B. To keep his people isolated from the Silk Road D. To keep the Terra Cotta Soldiers busy
7.3 Han Dynasty- The Golden Age pp. 186-188 P49 in comp book Essential Question: How do governments change? Standard 6.36
Order of Chinese Dynasties = _____
Emperor Han Wudi Population growth Time of great peace CIVIL Service Ended right to rule by birth
Officials picked based on MERIT Followed teachings of Confucius Schools were built Population and empire grew
Chinese Inventions Cast-iron plow
Waterwheels Millers invented waterwheels to grind grain
Wheelbarrow Wheelbarrow-used to carry heavy material
Silk Manufacturing devices
Paper Paper used first for wrapping and then writing Like the Egyptian papyrus, provided a way to keep written records
Toilet Paper Also invented toilet paper
Sailing inventions Rudder and a new way to move the sails of ships With these inventions, ships could sail against the wind
Acupuncture Acupuncture-relieved pain by piercing patients’ skin at vital points with thin needles Renews the body by increasing flow of energy
On the Silk Road… Not just a road but a network Trade as well as knowledge is spread BUDDHISM is spread into China Han dynasty falls and people turn to Siddhartha Gautama's teachings
Which of these inventions do you think had the greatest impact? Why? What connection can you find between the strides made in technology during the Han dynasty and the teachings of Confucius? Based on what you have read and learned, would you rather have lived during the Qin dynasty or the Han dynasty?
Essential Question: How did the Chinese government change over the time of the four dynasties?