PIT Sheltered Count SHELTERED HOMELESS COUNT # ON 1/26/17 # ON 1/25/18 Difference +/- % Total Homeless in Emergency Shelter 1,723 1,643 -80 -5% Cold Weather Placements 0% Hotel/Motel 209 204 -5 -2% Total Homeless in Transitional Housing 877 622 -255 -29% Safe Haven 27 Subtotal-SHELTERED Homeless: 2836 2496 -340 -12%
Subtotal- # of UNSHELTERED Homeless: PIT Unsheltered Count UNSHELTERED HOMELESS COUNT # ON 1/26/17 # ON 1/25/18 Difference +/- % City of Miami-City of Miami, City Limits 609 665 56 9% City of Miami Beach- Miami Beach 133 124 -9 -7% Miami-Dade County-South Dade, South of Kendall Drive to Monroe County Line 119 85 -34 -29% Miami-Dade County-Unincorporated Miami-Dade County, North of Kendall Drive to Broward County Line 150 156 6 4% Subtotal- # of UNSHELTERED Homeless: 1011 1030 19 2%
Disability Type* 1. Physical 18% 2. Mental Health 5% Unsheltered Sheltered 1. Physical 18% 2. Mental Health 5% 3. Drugs or Alcohol 5% 4. Tri-morbid 5% 1. Physical 14% 2. Mental Health 14% 3. Physical+MH 7% *Data reported at or above 5%
Gender Male 115 75% Female 35 23% Trans-gender 2 2% Male 403 60% Unsheltered Sheltered Male 115 75% Female 35 23% Trans-gender 2 2% Male 403 60% Female 257 39% Trans-gender 4 1%
Income Sources None 63 41% Food Stamps 57 37% SSI 18 12% SSDI 14 9% Unsheltered Sheltered None 63 41% Food Stamps 57 37% SSI 18 12% SSDI 14 9% Employ-ment 12 8% Retire-ment 3 2% Food Stamps 263 39% None 190 29% Employ-ment 132 20% SSI 91 14% SSDI 40 6%
Immigration Status Citizen 101 66% Perm. Resident 32 21% Parolee 8 5% Unsheltered Sheltered Citizen 101 66% Perm. Resident 32 21% Parolee 8 5% Undocu-mented 7 Asylee/ Refugee 5 3% Citizen 496 74% Perm. Resident 83 12% Undocu-mented 36 5% Parolee 19 3% Asylee/ Refugee 12 2%
Cause of homelessness Employment 68 44% Medical/ Behavioral 27 18% Unsheltered Sheltered Employment 68 44% Medical/ Behavioral 27 18% Housing Issue 26 17% Family problems 24 16% Natural Disaster 3 2% Recent immigration Employment 178 27% Medical/ Behavioral 175 26% Housing Issue 113 17% Family problems 159 24% Natural Disaster 9 1% Recent immigration 18 3%
Needs Housing 27 18% Food 14 9% Employment 8 5% Health Care 7 Unsheltered Sheltered Housing 27 18% Food 14 9% Employment 8 5% Health Care 7 SA treatment MH treatment 2 1% RRH Housing 119 18% Food 3 0% Employment 23 3% Health Care 28 4% SA treatment 16 2% MH treatment -2 RRH 30 5% Transportation Material Goods 17 Case Mgt 14