Environment/Sustainability Awareness
25 Year Environment Plan The SU are committed to the Governments 25 Year Environment Plan. More details on this can be found @ https://www.gov.uk/government/public ations/25-year-environment-plan
Feeding Coventry The SU have signed up to The Partnership for Coventry “Feeding Coventry Food Charter. The Partnership for Coventry is the Local Strategic Partnership for Coventry and represents partners from the public, private, community and voluntary sectors. More information can be found @ http://www.coventrypartnership.com/f eeding-coventry/
What the SU do The SU recycle glass, paper, cardboard, plastics, food waste, used cooking oil, batteries, pens, photocopier/printer toner There are other recycling facilities across campus, please use them properly More info on what both the SU and the University are doing to help improve the environment can be found @ https://www.warwicksu.com/about/enviro nment/ https://warwick.ac.uk/about/environment/
SU Societies The SU will not refund Clubs/Socs for the cost of plastic carrier bags More details of SU Societies who deal with Environmental/Sustainability issues can be found @ https://warwick.ac.uk/about/environm ent/