Working Group on Population and Housing Censuses Luxembourg, 19-20 May 2015 Item 4 of the Agenda Publication of 2011 census data on Eurostat's online dissemination database
2011 census aggregated tables on Eurostat website Population (15) Structure (1) Family characteristics (2) Employment characteristics (5) Migration characteristics (7) Families and households (2) Dwellings and housing arrangement (2)
2011 census aggregated tables on Eurostat website Objectives: Providing a rapid cross-country comparison of main census results Reaching users that are more familiar with the "traditional" Eurostat dissemination database
2011 census aggregated tables on Eurostat website Data source: "bulk download" from selected hypercubes in the Census Hub No further data manipulation foreseen in Eurostat production database Changes/corrections need to be implemented in the Census Hub first Main European aggregates will be computed at a later stage All tables accompanied by European and national metadata
Additional validation layer It was decided to add an additional validation check to these aggregated tables The software EDIT was used for this purpose EDIT produces a detailed validation report listing all problematic cells Countries having problematic tables were asked either to correct the problems or to provide explanations The publication of problematic tables was delayed
Additional validation layer For all totals/subtotals in all dimensions: Absolute difference between subtotal and sum of components smaller than 50 statistical units Relative difference between subtotal and sum of components smaller than 0.5% of the subtotal Subtotals flagged as "not available" while components are published Check that some socioeconomic variables (CAS, SIE, EDU, etc.) are set to "not applicable" for persons aged less than 15
Outcome of additional validation Vast majority of tables did not present any issue In many cases the problems were due to erroneous "mappings" between national databases and the SMDX-RI module Some countries did not respect the provision of inserting records for cells flagged "not available" (skipped records are visualised as "0")
Future steps Datasets that are currently on hold will be published shortly Only a few tables present, at this stage, problems that are considered as "blocking" Main European aggregates will be computed at a later stage (no estimation foreseen for missing countries) Further dissemination tools will be developed during 2015 (interactive maps, thematic publication, statistical dashboards and infographics)
Thanks for your attention!