Independent Support in Islington
Kids - Background KIDS is a national charity which has been supporting disabled children, young people and their families for over 40 years. KIDS have been providing a wide range of services including mediation services, short breaks, key workers and home learning.
KIDS & Independent Support Independent Support is funded by the DCSF and coordinated by the Council for Disabled Children. CDC have awarded the contract to deliver independent support in Islington to KIDS. KIDS also have the contracts for the boroughs of Camden, Westminster, Hackney and Redbridge All Independent Supporters have completed CDC accredited training regarding the EHC plan process and SEN Code of Practice.
Independent Support in the Code CoP (2.1): Duty to provide information and advice, and “In addition, in carrying out their duties under Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014, local authorities must have regard to the importance of providing children and their parents and young people with the information and support necessary to participate in decisions.” CoP(4.61): “Early years providers, schools, colleges and other relevant services should tell parents and young people about the availability of local, impartial information, advice and support.” CoP(2.20): Best endeavours of LA to “offer help from an independent supporter to as many families as possible who require it.”
When we can help At any time during / throughout the EHCP process Requests for EHC needs assessments Transfers of current statements to EHC plans Appendix A (support plans) meetings Annual Reviews of EHCPs Transfer and transition to secondary and post 16, educational settings as well as adult services.
Who do we work with We work directly with parents/carers, children and young people up to the age of 25. We also work with education, health and social care professionals and the local authority. We are independent from the local authority.
Role of Independent Supporters Help parents/carers & young people to start thinking about outcomes and aspirations. Help parents/carers & young people to be co-producers of their plans Help and support parents/carers & young people by explaining professional jargon, reports and recommendations Help and support parents/carers & young people with EHCP paperwork Help and support parents/carers & young people to feel confident and feel able to participate in meetings and voice their opinions and wishes
Our Support Support is flexible - as much or as little as parents/carers &young people would like Home visits, telephone or email support Accompany parents/carers and young people to meetings Liaise with other professionals Provide advice on the local offer and on other resources available Signpost and make referrals to other agencies
Contact Details There are currently 2 part time Independent Supporters in Islington Alison Sutherland: Tel: 020 7288 7175/ 07469 144681 Gillian Denby: Tel: 020 7288 7175/ 07469 144 882