Bower Hill Third Grade SLAMS The PSSA!
Top Ten Reasons Why You Will Love The PSSA!
No homework during a PSSA week!
No tests or quizzes are given during PSSA Week!
Plus, if you all work hard, we will play a class game after the snack! Work hard and earn a fun snack each day after the test!!! Plus, if you all work hard, we will play a class game after the snack!
Extra recess everyday during PSSA days!
Lots of time for independent reading!
Coloring in those little dots can be sort of relaxing!
Great chance to show the PSSA people what great writers we are!
Two freshly sharpened pencils delivered to you each morning during PSSA week!
Listen to your teacher read the directions like a robot each day!
A chance to show us everything you know!