Whistleblowing Flowchart Appendix A Worker makes a disclosure alleging corruption, malpractice or wrongdoing Worker includes : directly employed by organisation anyone else who works for and in the organisation under a contract Where the worker reasonably believes that the information disclosed and any allegations contained in it are substantially true, they will be covered by the policy Can be done verbally or in writing to: Head of Audit or Council Monitoring Officer (you can use the Whistleblowing address on the email system if you work for the Council) To be protected, a disclosure should allege: criminal offence failure to comply with legal obligation miscarriage of justice - risk to health or safety environmental damage or that any of above is likely to be deliberately concealed The Council will teat the disclosure confidentially and seek to protect the worker’s identity and their working relationships Council has a duty to protect the worker from harassment or victimisation by the organisation, a co-worker or an agent of the organisation as a result of making a protected disclosure Within ten working days of a concern being received, where the identity of the worker is known, the Council will write to them. It is likely that an investigation will be required. If so, an investigation is undertaken Outcomes can include: - Criminal proceedings - Disciplinary proceedings - No further action (if nothing is found) It is likely that an investigation will be required. If so, an investigation is undertaken to establish the facts and implications.