By 2010, IWRM.Net will be established as : 1. THE source for knowledge about IWRM-research being undertaken in Europe, with a focus on the WFD.


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Presentation transcript:

By 2010, IWRM.Net will be established as : 1. THE source for knowledge about IWRM-research being undertaken in Europe, with a focus on the WFD 2. A forum for prospective and co-ordination of research needs and programmes on related issues in different countries, including accession states and EU neighbours 3. The facilitator between research and water policy makers and managers to bridge the communication gap 4. A facilitator for bringing together researchers and funders from different countries to work on joint projects 5. A forum for exchanging best practices on administrating research programmes across Europe

GENERAL ASSEMBLY STRUCTURE IWRM..Net GENERAL ASSEMBLY STRUCTURE Executive Board OIEau, SNIFFER, MEDD, UBA-A, RIZA, EA GA members – The Contractors of the project (senior representatives) Conflict resolution sub com 3 GA - non ExB members GA observers : Potential partners (Other MS + neighbours NIS , Balkan, MED) Stakeholders (Europ-INBO, EURAQUA, EUREAU, NGO, others) + EC (DGs + CIS + PRB) Project quality policy sub com. Co-ordinator OIEau Project Administration Support Unit 7 Work packages Partners experts Point of entry of new members

Research Programme Scientific Committee IWRM.Net-CA Research Programme Scientific Committee Core member National / Regional Water Administration National / Regional Scientific Community National / Regional Water stakeholders Programme Manager Human resources with high-level of Expertise involved in working groups Research Projects ·X ·Y ·Z ·… Researchers Infrastructures Pilot studies Dissemination Management The national / regional research programme usual scheme Materials for European dissemination Tools to share Project management Potential inputs from national / regional level in the CA

Integrating activities Workpackage 2 : Short term research needs Dissemination to disseminate the objectives and results of IWRM.Net in order to bridge the communication between research and water policies, and to ensure participation of stakeholders in the implementation of the project Workpackage 1 : Knowledge Source - to provide the basic facts on research programmes in order to facilitate mutual knowledge, trust building and systematic exchange of research programming in IWRM.Net Workpackage 4 : Integrating activities to plan, prepare and implement sustainable transnational activities according to research needs identified in IWRM.Net Workpackage 2 : Short term research needs to conduct joint activities based upon the identification of common needs between partner research programme managers in focused areas related to the research required for the first Water Framework Directive implementation cycle Workpackage 3 : Strategic research to go beyond WFD 2015 implementation requirements, and to assist programme managers in identifying long term strategic research needs for future integrated water resources management Workpackage 7 : Project management - Support to deliver the project expected outputs within the agreed time scale and resources, and to ensure the quality of work, progress, results and impact of the project, in accordance with the vision of the IWRM.Net Workpackage 5 : Liaisons to increase the impact of IWRM.Net on the European water community by proactively liaising with relevant transnational or EU based policy and research initiatives and potential new partners Exchanges Involvement Recommendations Actions Outcomes Feedback Comments

WATSAN Technological Platform HarmoniCA dissemination initiative IWRM-Sources ERA-Net CRUE ERA-Net SNOWMAN ERAWATCH - JRC FP4 / FP5 / FP6 / FP7 projects and clusters WATSAN Technological Platform HarmoniCA dissemination initiative European policies Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) Pilot River Basins (PRBs) + Water Initiative “Water for life” Working group Research Third country basin twinning activities + European Neighbourhood Policy + Other policies (CAP) Stakeholders River Basin Organisations (Europ-INBO) District authorities / Water directors / Research Organisations (EURAQUA) Water companies (EUREAU) NGOs Valorisation of national and regional research efforts Dissemination of outcomes to practitioners Co-operation - Development of joint activities National and Regional Research Programmes Local needs and priorities Local practices Exchanges on outcomes Co-ordination Practices Willingness to collaborate Context and environment Collaboration and bottom-up feedback Dissemination issues Mutual knowledge issues New project on EUWI ?? ERA-Net CIRCLE ERA-Net FORSOCIETY