Welcome to Back to School Night


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Back to School Night Room 701 NGSS Biology Mrs. Kalmer

Introduction About Me …. Email: lkalmer@rjuhsd.us Webpage:  On school website: http://rosevilletigers.org or http://rjuhsd.us/lkalmer Homelink: http://rosevillehsd.net Phone: (916) 782-3753 Tonight’s Objective: What will my child learn How will my child be assessed How will my child be supported

What will my child learn? (NGSS) Next Generation Science Standards – Biology Unit 1: Energy and Flow of Ecosystems Unit 2: Cycling of Matter and Flow of Energy Unit 3: Earth’s History Unit 4: Human Impacts Unit 5: DNA and the Code of Life Unit 6: Inheritance and Variation in Life Unit 7: Natural Selection and Evolution

Common Core in Science Incorporating inquiry and critical thinking into class using Claim, Evidence and Reasoning Connections to the Common Core Standards for Literacy in Science English and Math Linking curriculum to Science and Engineering practices

8 SCIENCE & ENGINEERING PRACTICES ~ Asking questions & defining problems ~ Developing & using models. ~ Planning & carrying out investigations. ~ Analyzing & interpreting data. ~ Using mathematics & computational thinking ~ Constructing explanations & designing solutions. ~ Engaging in argument from evidence ~ Obtaining, evaluating & communicating information

Course Rationale Fulfill Requirements: - Life Science graduation requirement for RHS - 1st year of Lab Science for CSU and UC (A-G) Prerequisite for future science classes at RHS Learn about real world Biology Learn problem solving techniques and be challenged by concepts

How will my Child be Assessed? 10% Classwork / Homework 30% Labs & Activities 60% Assessments (Quizzes, Tests, Final)

A 100 - 90% B 89 - 80% C 79 - 70% *************** D 69 - 65% F 64 - 0% Grades will be determined based on the following scale: A 100 - 90% B 89 - 80% C 79 - 70% *************** D 69 - 65% F 64 - 0%

MAKE-UP WORK STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY!! Work for excused absences must be completed according to school policy. Late work earns up to 50% if submitted immediately following the due date. Talk with me to schedule missed labs or assessments.

What if my child is struggling? How will my child be supported?

Encourage your child to ASK FOR HELP. Students CAN get help: Encourage your child to ASK FOR HELP! Students CAN get help: - Lessons on Google Classroom - My classroom (before/after school by appointment) - ROAR! Roar is designed to help those students that are struggling and need more support D, F or absent students MUST attend.

- Free Tiger Tutoring. T, W, Th after school. 2:45 – 4:00 - Free Tiger Tutoring T, W, Th after school 2:45 – 4:00. Student and teacher tutors. Attendance will be recorded Chromebooks will be available - Online Textbook – sample problems in each chapter - Online tutorials (Khan academy, etc)

Most Importantly, I can’t teach to an empty seat Most Importantly, I can’t teach to an empty seat. Please talk to your child about the importance of attendance

I appreciate your involvement I appreciate your involvement! THANK YOU for being a concerned parent and for attending ROSEVILLE’S BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT!!