LEGUP Interface Ideas Tyler Hinman
What should LEGUP do? Basic Functionality Puzzle Play Open (either type or one particular puzzle) Save Undo Puzzle Play Point-and-click interface Hideable list of illustrated rules Two modes: Use rules, or just solve!
Two Modes Use rules Just solve! Can change modes at any time Show the list of rules on the right Select rule, and drop on grid Two more options within this mode: Require rule justification for every move, or don’t Just solve! Hide the list of rules Just click on the grid to change states Can change modes at any time
Pointing and Clicking Left click Right click On rule: Pick up rule (no dragging needed) On grid: If rule is picked up, apply to clicked cell; otherwise, change cell’s state Dragging supported for changing cell states, to apply same state to consecutive cells Right click On rule: Rotate rule On grid: If rule selected, rotate rule; otherwise, summon previously used rule
Other Notes on Mouse Usage Point-and-click is easiest, but simple keyboard shortcuts can also be supported (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+S, etc.) Of course, left clicks will also perform their expected functions (scroll buttons, menus) Support the scroll wheel!
Do I Have To Draw You A Picture? Using my utterly anemic drawing ability, I shall now clumsily wield a marker and attempt to sketch some vague semblance of what I’ve so eloquently described in words, although the actual user interface will hopefully be designed a little more cleanly, perhaps venturing outside the realm of just rectangles, which is all I can draw without causing derisive laughter