St. Andrew’s Fox Covert RC Primary 1 Induction 12.06.18
Welcome Mr Anthony Currie, Head Teacher (Acting) Miss Conway, Principal Teacher Mrs Sarah Dickson, Business Manager Mrs Amanda Tweedale, School Administrator Mrs Aoibheann Kelly, Primary 1 Class Team Mrs Nasim Akhtar, Primary 1 Class Team Ms Lynne Yellowlees, Support for Learning Teacher
Structure of Today 1:45pm P6 buddies with P1 and Mrs Kelly, P1 class teacher and P1 team Interpreters are available to help (Polish and Bengali) HT Introduction and Overview of the school Principal Teacher input on Learning approach employed in P1 Questions, Uniforms, After School Club 2:30pm approximately, parents/carers join P1 class
Our School Roman Catholic Denominational School Inclusive of all Variety of faith denominations and none 175 children, 7 class strcuture 16% where English is an additional language Attendance figures above local and national average Increasing diversity celebrating 15 different cultures identified within our school Joint campus with Fox Covert Primary School and Fox Covert Early Years Centre
Our School Values Alumnare Inspirare Florere Nurture Inspire Flourish
SQIP School Improvement Plan 2018-19 Improving our Literacy: Raising Attainment Reading & Writing; Progressing in our learning – Closing the Attainment Gap Knowing our strengths & next steps in learning - metacognition Improving our Health & Wellbeing Building Resilience
Academic Achievement in P1 Over the last 3 years our P1 results in: Listening and Talking, Reading, Writing and Numeracy and Maths have all been above both City of Edinburgh and National Averages.
EAL Support EAL Consultative support from Mrs Annie Paige who works with our teacher’s to support learner needs.
After School Clubs Extra-curricular activities 8am Breakfast Club 3pm After School Club pick-up P1 half day – first two weeks of term Extra-curricular activities You’re just trying to get your house in order when … bam! Someone’s up knocking at your door! After school and lunchtime Clubs in Football, Tennis, Dance and Multi sports Others offered throughout course of the school year e.g. Rugby, Games…
Twitter and website!! You can follow our learning on our school Twitter feed: @FoxCovertRCPS which is also available on our school website:
Our Uniform - Girls covert-r-c-primary-school.html White blouse & St. Andrew’s school tie V-neck jumper or cardigan (blue) - optional St. Andrew’s School Tartan Dark skirt or pinafore or trousers Sensible dark shoes Spring/Summer Term – Blue/White Print Dress (Gingham style dress) Gym rubbers/dark trainers for indoor use Please promote independence – Velcro or straps vs laces
Our Uniform - Boys covert-r-c-primary-school.html White shirt & St. Andrew’s school tie V-neck jumper or cardigan (blue) optional Dark trousers or shorts Sensible dark shoes Gym rubbers/dark trainers for indoor use Please promote independence – Velcro vs laces
Parent Pay and Parent Mail All P1-3 children are entitled to Free Lunches and these are ordered via Parent Pay system If you are not already registered you will receive an account activation letter in your pack. All you require is a valid email address Letters and School communications are also frequently sent via Parent Mail system
Timings for First Two Weeks - August 2018 Wednesday 15th August 9am-12 noon enter via main doors and to meet in School Hall Thursday 16th August 9am-12 noon enter via the P1 entrance door Friday 17th August 9am-12noon enter and leave via P1 entrance door Full days begin from Monday 20th August 2018 Monday – Thursday 8.50am – 3:15pm Friday 8.50am – 12noon
Some good tips preparing for P1 !! Its really helpful if: All Clothes, P.E. kit, bags etc are labelled with names Children can fasten buttons and zips, wash and dress themselves. Laces and ties will come later. Children can brush their own teeth Have some experience of using cutlery Children can identify their own full name and practice writing it! Carry school bag/homework bags Promote as much independence as possible
Our Approach to learning in P1 Miss Conway, Principal Teacher
Constructive Play
Small World and Role Play
Games and puzzles
Questions, Information and P1 class visit You now have the opportunity to ask staff and our Senior Leadership Team any questions Uniforms – online ordering (free delivery to school) Interpreters are available to help (Polish and Bengali) House Allocation: Check House display in foyer as you exit (see Mrs Tweedale) Lunch orders to school office by Wednesday 27th June Parents/carers to Lunch on Wednesday 15th August 11:15am – 12noon Date for diary: 1:15pm Thursday 30th August 2018 – Literacy sharing the learning workshop for parents/carers