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Presentation transcript:

Technician Licensing Class Your Computer Goes Ham Digital Valid July 1, 2014 Through June 30, 2018 1

Amateur Radio Technician Class Element 2 Course Presentation ELEMENT 2 SUB-ELEMENTS (Groupings) About Ham Radio Call Signs Control Mind the Rules Tech Frequencies Your First Radio Going Solo Repeaters Emergency! Weak Signal Propagation 2

Amateur Radio Technician Class Element 2 Course Presentation ELEMENT 2 SUB-ELEMENTS (Groupings) Talk to Outer Space! Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! Multi-Mode Radio Excitement Run Some Interference Protection Electrons – Go With the Flow! It’s the Law, per Mr. Ohm! Go Picture These! Antennas Feed Me With Some Good Coax! Safety First! 3

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! International Morse code is the code used when sending CW in the amateur bands. T8D09 The following devices can be used to transmit CW in the amateur bands: Straight Key; Electronic keyer; Computer keyboard; All of these choices are correct. T8D10 4

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! The following are examples of a digital communications method: Packet; PSK31; MFSK; All of these choices are correct. T8D01 5

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! Packet Radio Station 6

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! 7

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! A terminal node controller would be connected between a transceiver and computer in a packet radio station. T4A06 When conducting digital communications using a computer the sound card provides audio to the microphone input and converts received audio to digital form. T4A07 8

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! The following may be included in packet transmissions: A checksum which permits error detection; A header which contains the call sign of the station to which the information is being sent; Automatic repeat request in case of error; All of these choices are correct. T8D08 An ARQ transmission system is a digital scheme whereby the receiving station detects errors and sends a request to the sending station to retransmit the information. T8D11 9

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! If data signals propagate over multiple paths the error rates are likely to increase. T3A10 An application of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is that it provides real time tactical digital communications in conjunction with a map showing the locations of stations. T8D05 10

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! The term “APRS” means Automatic Packet Reporting System. T8D02 A Global Positioning System receiver provides data to the transmitter when sending automatic position reports from a mobile amateur radio station. T8D03 11

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! The abbreviation PSK means Phase Shift Keying. T8D06 PSK31 is a low-rate data transmission mode. T8D07 A gateway is the name given to an amateur radio station that is used to connect other amateur stations to the Internet. T8C11 12

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! The Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) is a technique to connect amateur radio systems, such as repeaters, via the Internet using Voice Over Internet Protocol. T8C13 13

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! Access to an IRLP node is accomplished by using DTMF signals. T8C06 VoIP as used in amateur radio is a method of delivering voice communications over the Internet using digital techniques. T8C12 You might obtain a list of active nodes that use VoIP from a repeater directory. T8C09 14

Your Computer Goes Ham Digital! Use the keypad to transmit the IRLP node ID to select a specific IRLP node when using a portable transceiver. T8C10 An analog fast scan color TV signal is the type of transmission indicated by the term NTSC. T8D04 The typical bandwidth of an analog fast-scan TV transmission on the 70 cm band is about 6 MHz. T8A10 15

Element 2 Technician Class Question Pool Your Computer Goes Ham Digital Valid July 1, 2014 Through June 30, 2018

T8D09 What code is used when sending CW in the amateur bands? Baudot Hamming International Morse Gray

T8D10. Which of the following can be used to transmit T8D10 Which of the following can be used to transmit CW in the amateur bands? Straight Key Electronic Keyer Computer Keyboard All of these choices are correct

T8D01. Which of the following is an example of a digital T8D01 Which of the following is an example of a digital communications method? Packet PSK31 MFSK All of these choices are correct

T4A06. Which of the following would be connected T4A06 Which of the following would be connected between a transceiver and computer in a packet radio station? Transmatch Mixer Terminal node controller Antenna

T4A07. How is the computer’s sound card used when T4A07 How is the computer’s sound card used when conducting digital communications using a computer? The sound card communicates between the computer CPU and the video display The sound card records the audio frequency for video display The sound card provides audio to the microphone input and converts received audio to digital form All of these choices are correct

T8D08 Which of the following may be included in packet transmissions? A check sum which permits error detection A header which contains the call sign of the station to which the information is being sent Automatic repeat request in case of error All of these choices are correct

T8D11 What is an ARQ transmission system? A special transmission format limited to video signals A system used to encrypt command signals to an amateur radio satellite A digital scheme whereby the receiving station detects errors and sends a request to the sending station to retransmit the information A method of compressing the data in a message so more information can be sent in a shorter time

T3A10 What may occur if data signals propagate over multiple paths? Transmission rates can be increased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed Transmission rates must be decreased by a factor equal to the number of separate paths observed No significant changes will occur if the signals are transmitting using FM Error rates are likely to increase

T8D05. Which of the following is an application of APRS T8D05 Which of the following is an application of APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System)? Providing real time tactical digital communications in conjunction with a map showing the locations of stations Showing automatically the number of packets transmitted via PACTOR during a specific time interval Providing voice over Internet connection between repeaters Providing information on the number of stations signed into a repeater

T8D02 What does the term “APRS” mean? Automatic Packet Reporting System Associated Public Radio Station Auto Planning Radio Set-up Advanced Polar Radio System

T8D03. Which of the following provides data to the T8D03 Which of the following provides data to the transmitter when sending automatic position reports from a mobile amateur radio station? The vehicle speedometer A WWV receiver A connection to a broadcast FM sub-carrier receiver A Global Positioning System receiver

T8D06 What does the abbreviation PSK mean? Pulse Shift Keying Phase Shift Keying Packet Short Keying Phased Slide Keying

T8D07 What is PSK31? A high-rate data transmission mode A method of reducing noise interference to FM signals A method of compressing digital television signal A low-rate data transmission mode

T8C11. What name is given to an amateur radio station T8C11 What name is given to an amateur radio station that is used to connect other amateur stations to the Internet? A gateway A repeater A digipeater A beacon

T8C13 What is the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP)? A technique to connect amateur radio systems, such as repeaters, via the Internet using Voice Over Internet Protocol A system for providing access to websites via amateur radio A system for informing amateurs in real time of the frequency of active DX stations A technique for measuring signal strength of an amateur transmitter via the Internet

T8C06 How is access to an IRLP node accomplished? By obtaining a password which is sent via voice to the node By using DTMF signals By entering the proper Internet password By using CTCSS tone codes

T8C12. What is meant by Voice Over Internet Protocol T8C12 What is meant by Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) as used in amateur radio? A set of rules specifying how to identify your station when linked over the Internet to another station A set of guidelines for working DX during contests using Internet access A technique for measuring the modulation quality of a transmitter using remote sites monitored via the Internet A method of delivering voice communications over the Internet using digital techniques

T8C09 How might you obtain a list of active nodes that use VoIP? From the FCC Rulebook From your local emergency coordinator From a repeater directory From the local repeater frequency coordinator

T8C10. How do you select a specific IRLP node when T8C10 How do you select a specific IRLP node when using a portable transceiver? Choose a specific CTCSS tone Choose the correct DSC tone Access the repeater autopatch Use the keypad to transmit the IRLP node ID

T8D04 What type of transmission is indicated by the term NTSC? A Normal Transmission mode in Static Circuit A special mode for earth satellite uplink An analog fast scan color TV signal A frame compression scheme for TV signals

T8A10. What is the typical bandwidth of analog fast-scan T8A10 What is the typical bandwidth of analog fast-scan TV transmissions on the 70 cm band ? More than 10 MHz About 6 MHz About 3 MHz About 1 MHz