AquaSpace Case Study Carlingford Lough, UK: Issues and Tools


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Presentation transcript:

AquaSpace Case Study Carlingford Lough, UK: Issues and Tools The research leading to these results has been undertaken as part of the AquaSpace project (Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture, and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement n° 633476. Horizon 2020

Where is Carlingford Lough? Trans-boundary sea Lough Wide variety of conflicting users

Case Study Issues Management Issues Environmental Issues Different Government bodies responsible for licensing Lengthy licensing process Environmental Issues Spatial conflicts with nature conservation Aquaculture occupies approx 11.2 % of Carlingford Lough SPA (Northern Ireland) Aquaculture occupies approx 20.22% of Carlingford Shore SPA (Ireland) Aquaculture occupies approx 9.31% of Carlingford Lough SAC (Ireland)

Tools Used GIS Assessment Ecological Carrying capacity model (SMILE) AkvaVis

Tools Used: GIS Assessment Extensive GIS project compiled for Carlingford Lough Issues Addressed Management: Requirement to produce cumulative impact assessment reports for government Requirement to undertake Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA) for all new sites within or adjacent to designated areas GIS Assessment integral part of these assessments Environmental Showed no spatial overlap between aquaculture and Breeding birds Showed no spatial overlap between aquaculture and overwintering birds

Tools Used: Ecological Carrying Capacity Model (SMILE) Hydrodynamic model component of the SMILE model was updated by LLE using newly available bathymetry and water current data. Ecological model box boundaries redefined to better fit new Hydrodynamic model components. Issues Addressed: Management Used to assess production carrying capacity Required for HRA’s for applications for new sites Environmental Used to assess ecological carrying capacity Used to assess cumulative impacts

Tools Used: AkvaVis AkvaVis is a decision support system for aquaculture, developed in Norway Currently working on development of an AkvaVis demonstrator model

Aquaspace tool Hoped to apply the Aquaspace tool to the Carlingford Lough Case study utilising the data collected for the GIS Assessment tool Issues Scale of layers: Carlingford Lough too localised therefore not included in EU layers Difficulties installing Time consuming Solutions AFBI need to communicate more with Work package Leaders Need more detailed instructions on how to install tool and prepare layers

Stakeholder feedback & recommendations No stakeholder workshop held to date due to ongoing issues with Licence applications currently in process AFBI continue to have regular engagement with: local aquaculture industry, government departments, local fishermen and local Harbour Authorities It is planned to hold a meeting with stakeholders to showcase the Carlingford Lough AkvaVis demonstrator model once complete

Carlingford Lough AkvaVis Demonstrator Model Adele Boyd, Junyong You, Anne Hageberg, Øivind Strand, Heather Moore Note: Do not change background, font or font colours.

AkvaVis Carlingford Lough Data file Parameter Model conditions Bathymetry Bottom culture Max depth must be ≥ 2 m Trestle culture Max depth must be ≤ 0 m Suspended culture Max depth must be ≥ 5 m Current Aquaculture sites Current licensed sites No new aquaculture sites permitted within these areas Conservation designated areas Areas within designated area New aquaculture sites will be required to undergo a Habitats Regulations Assessment before being considered. Areas adjacent to designated area Sensitive species Eelgrass beds Tern nesting sites No aquaculture permitted within 250 m radius of these sites Sea pens No new bottom culture aquaculture sites permitted. Potential for new suspended culture sites. These will be required to undergo an impact assessment.

Live demonstration