COSMIC Data Analysis and Archival Center Status and Challenges C. Rocken
CDAAC Responsibilities Data collection and archival Data processing near-realtime - ionospheric and tropospheric retrieval Orbit determination, excess phase processing, profile retrieval, 1DVar processing Data processing/validation for climate research Data distribution in real-time and from on-line data base Support scientists that use the data Workshops and outreach
Over 2 Million profiles provided 4/21/06-01/14/08 Neutral Atmosphere Ionosphere 674 registered users from 42 countries by 01/14/08
Quality of Tropospheric Profiles (Comparison w ECMWF) Quality of Tropospheric Profiles (Comparison w NOAA/GFS) Quality of Tropospheric Profiles (Comparison w ECMWF)
Latency of Real-Time Results Profile latency at UKMO for FM4 last month - average 1h47m
Challenges we are working on Increase the count of good profiles New firmware - working with JPL Improve satellite attitude control (NSPO) RF anomalies - reasons not understood Understand biases Lowest troposphere neg. bias, 2-6 km positive bias, rising vs. setting stats bias Improve ground fiducial coverage MOU signed with EUMETSAT to receive data
Summary Goals of data quality, latency, and reliability are met or exceeded for over 2 million profiles Goal of daily profile count is presently not met (2500 vs. 1500) - due to hardware, satellite attitude control, and firmware problems Current focus on operations and increase of profile count Applied research related to understanding biases and extracting new information from data is ongoing