Threats to Biodiversity
Factors that Maintain Biodiversity Complexity of the ecosystem More complex = more resilient The system as a whole is stable but any particular species may not be Stage of Succession Species diversity increases with time until climax community is reached Therefore young communities are more vulnerable than older ones (less complex=less resilient) Limiting Factors If there are already many limiting factors than any change may just make things even harder! Inertia/persistence Vocab: The property of an ecosystem to resist change when subjected to a disruptive force Important for planners to know which site will resist change(inertia) or recover quickly (resilience)
Factors that Lead to Loss of Biodiversity Natural Hazards Major problem is that they lead to LOSS OF HABITAT Humans cause similar problems
Factors that Lead to Loss of Biodiversity Fragmentation of Habitat A large areas is divided into a patch work Roads, power lines, fences, pipelines, etc. Fragments behave more as islands The edge ratio gets higher as the habitat gets smaller Edges are more vulnerable
Factors that Lead to Loss of Biodiversity Pollution Caused by humans Includes…. Local Pollution (acute) Pesticides, oil spills Environmental Pollution (chronic) Emissions from factories and transportation Run-Off Fertilizers (eutrophication) and toxic chemicals Climate Change Leads to biome shifts
Factors that Lead to Loss of Biodiversity Non-Native Species (Invasive species) Historically we have done this through colonization and or attempts at pest control It also happens by accident Has been good Potatoes from Americas to Europe Rubber trees from amazon to Asia Has been bad Rhododendrons out compete native plants in Europe Sudden Oak Death imported through trade Australia…
Factors that Lead to Loss of Biodiversity Spread of Disease Swine Flu (2010) Bird Flu (2003) Foot and Mouth Disease (affects animals and humans) Black Footed Ferret (canine distemper) Sylvatic plague and prairie dogs
Factors that Lead to Loss of Biodiversity Agricultural Practices Reduces diversity on purpose!!!!!!!! What is a “monoculture”?
What the heck Australia?