Wellesbourne CE Primary School – Year 1 Topic Overview Spring Term 1


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Presentation transcript:

Wellesbourne CE Primary School – Year 1 Topic Overview Spring Term 1 History and Geography Can I discuss and explain why there are two cathedrals in Coventry? Can I place the events of Coventry Cathedral on a timeline? RE and PSHE Can I explain what it means to be a Christian? Can I explain who is Jewish and what it means to be Jewish? Art and Design Can I create my own stained glass window? Can I create my own 3d model of Coventry Cathedral? Year 1 Spring ‘Our curriculum is creative, inspirational and purposeful’ Coventry Cathedral Why are there two cathedrals in Coventry? English and Maths are taught using a skills-based approach and making links to the curriculum where possible. PE: Dance Can I perform a dance sequence to re-enact the bombing of the Cathedral? Can I move my body in different ways? Computing Can I programme a beebot to move in different directions? Can I use the computer to make my own Easter card using images? Science and DT Can I describe a range of different materials and their properties? Can I investigate materials to discover if they are waterproof or magnetic? Music Can I work with a group to perform a song? Can I use musical instruments to stay in time with the music? Outdoor Learning and Trips Visit to Coventry Cathedral to explore the two cathedrals.