Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) Dr. Russanne Low and Theresa Schwerin Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) November 20, 2018
Mosquito Curriculum Receives 2018 Smithsonian Education Innovation Award On Nov 2, the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, David Skorton, announced the recipients of the 2018 Smithsonian Education Awards for Achievement and Innovation. Smithsonian Science for Global Goals, from the Smithsonian Science Education Center (SSEC), received the Innovation Award for its “boundary-pushing approach to helping students across the globe understand critical socio-scientific issues and how they can take action in their local communities to make a difference.” The first unit in this series was released January 2018: Mosquito! Community Research Guide. Mosquito! links to NASA’s GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper (GO MHM) and associated educational resources within the curriculum. Unit 5 engages middle and high school students in a citizen science activity using GO MHM. The curriculum is composed of 6 stand-alone units, together, they provide a roadmap to assist students in planning and implementing a place-based, locally relevant action research. SSEC has started rolling the module out in parts of the United States, Panama, Malawi, Indonesia, and Australia. It is currently available in English and Spanish with additional translations available in 2019. The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) partnered with SSEC to incorporate GO MHM and participated on the curriculum development team as part of the NASA SciAct award - the NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative (NESEC). IGES is a GLOBE Partner and Dr. Russanne Low, IGES, is science lead for GO MHM. Learn more and download English and Spanish: