Case Study: Algae Bloom in a Water Reservoir Presented by Fernando Aguilar (IFCA-CSIC) INDIGO-DataCloud WP2 INDIGO Review, Bologna, 7th November 2016 RIA-653549
Case Study: Algae Bloom in a Water Reservoir Research Community: LifeWatch (ESFRI) Topic/Area: Biodiversity & Ecosystem research Objective of the Case Study: Monitor the evolution of the potential eutrophication of a Water Reservoir including the Data Life Cycle management. Hydrodynamic and Water Quality models for forecasting. Schedule: first version of model running by the end of the year. Prototype of Data Life Cycle Management by the second quarter of 2017. In production by third quarter 2017. Innovation challenge: Different components at different Data Life Cycle stages. Each Model test requires ~20GB and potentially o(100-1000) (multi-parametric) Teams involved: IFCA/CSIC Team + Ecohydros (SME) Team (consulting). Final user community: Researchers (LifeWatch Community), Water management authorities, ICT Groups, Limnology groups. Impact: Pro-active management actions on water reservoirs , including new policies. Definition of monitoring instrumentation and parameters to be under control.
Analysis of requirements and solution SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS GENERIC REQUIREMENTS INDIGO SERVICES INTEGRATED LWAB#1: Model Processing CO#2 Deployment of customized computing back-ends as batch queues FutureGateWay CO#4 Automatic elasticity of computing batch queues Orchestrator (TOSCA, Mesos) LWAB#2: Distributed Storage SO#1, SO#2 Shared storage accessible like a POSIX filesystem, Persistent data storage OneData SO#11 Dropbox-like storage Testbed resources used Bari Mesos Cluster Bari OneProvider Data Center Solutions User-Oriented Solutions Data / Storage Solutions Authentication and Authorization Automated Solutions
Solution Developed provider-RECAS-BARI provider-RECAS-BARI Local OneClient
Demo description Testbed resources that will be used: Bari TestBed Teams involved: INFN/Bari, PSNC, IFCA/CSIC Prerequisites: application in Docker Sequence of actions Connect to IAM to access OneData. Input data upload. Access to the Graphical User Interface (FutureGateway). Fill the form (OneData, Access, Sweep Parameter values). Submit. The TOSCA template edited and sent to the orchestrator. Check Deployment status. After finishing, output accessible via OneData. Comparing models using Delft3D tools. Final outcome: output of models executed showing algae growth NOW WE SWITCH TO THE DEMO SCREEN…
INDIGO added value Scalable (storage and computing) resources in the cloud to perform o(100-10000) tests… …and share directly within the community User Friendly interface to use cloud resources: Final users only need to fill a form to submit a new simulation, avoiding the script edition or direct contact with the infrastructure (Supercomputer, Grid, Cloud) (very helpful for non IT experts). First time we use a flexible and “universal” user authentication (quite relevant to collaborate with SMEs also) Transparent access to shared large storage (OneData)
Few words on Data Ingestion Data from CdP Reservoir. Raw – Curated – Processed/Derived Real Time monitoring ~5GB. Model Data ~20GB for each 3D model. METADATA standards employed: EML Available in Pilot tests: Storage, transfer for processing, AAI integration (Shown in Demo). QoS needs: rules for preserving datasets. License, periodicity. And what is yet to be improved Data will be available through our Open Science Framework It can get DOI from OSF itself or OneData. Only Curated or Processed/Derived levels. Curated and Processed/Derived data need to be preserved. Regarding Data Ingestion, INDIGO services enable: Deployment of Data Management Plans Tools (Over cloud clusters). Data Collect (OneData). Deployment of Open Science Framework (Cloud Clusters, docker deployment). Curate (deploying software on the infrastructure. Storing OneData). Analyze/Process: Software deployment thanks to orchestrator (Demo). Publish: OneData. Deployment of catalogue or repository services. Preservation: QoS. Metadata management: OneData
Exploitation It will be used in the LifeWatch Environment. Lifewatch VO supporters use EGI FedCloud (e.g. IFCA, LIP). Solution presented at Delft3D Users Meeting (Netherlands, last week!) RDA 8th Plennary EGU 2017 Papers, agreements with others, any other plan for exploitation Publication being prepared with ECOHYDROS (SME) team System in production, being applied in other lakes/water reservoirs (Cogotas, Sanabria) Better Software for Better Science. Thank you Better Software for Better Science.