What do you know a lot about? You are an expert in …
What is something YOU know a lot about? IT doesn't have to be about school. Most likely it’s not. There is SOMETHING you probably know a lot about – maybe more than most Think of that thing. Take post-it note and write what it is you know a lot about on it Whether it is playing an instrument; history of cars; fashion; music; a particular sport; a unique skill like juggling… you most likely know a lot about that one ’something’. Write that on the post it note.
Space for placing post-it notes on the board
Share your knowledge Get into a group of 4 and briefly: State to the group what you chose Share one fact about what you wrote on the paper or explain why you chose that topic/’thing’ I will select diverse interests and place in groups of 4. In those groups, everyone will first state their ‘area of expertise’ and then share either one fact about that subject, or explain to the group WHY you chose that particular area/subject. Since we have agreed that technology affects almost EVERY area of our lives, it is certain that computing and technology will play a major role in that area.
A novel or improved idea, device, product, et cetera, or the development thereof. Innovation: Definition of innovation
Prototype A preliminary sketch of an idea or model for something new. We will practice “rapid prototyping”, or quickly brainstorming how technology could help to innovate one of the subjects shared within your group.
How does technology affect your area? Choose one of the subjects (Areas of expertise): Group makes suggestion for an innovation (device) Draw that innovation (device) Gallery walk