Them He Her We The Power of Pronouns She Us They It Him
Angela went to the mall. (She/Her) bought a new sweater. Answer: Angela went to the mall. She bought a new sweater.
(My brother and I/My brother and me) had a snowball fight. Answer: My brother and I had a snowball fight.
Haley and Drew take piano lessons. They go on Thursday afternoons. Haley and Drew take piano lessons. (They/Them) go on Thursday afternoons. Answer: Haley and Drew take piano lessons. They go on Thursday afternoons.
When Christine got home, she took off her backpack. When Christine got home, she took off her backpack. She put (it/them) on the kitchen table. Answer: When Christine got home, she took off her backpack. She put it on the kitchen table.
Dad asked me to help (he/him) wash the car. Answer: Dad asked me to help him wash the car.
My mom took my friend and me to the movies on my birthday. My mom took (my friend and I/my friend and me) to the movies on my birthday. Answer: My mom took my friend and me to the movies on my birthday.
(She/Her) went to the window and saw that it was snowing! Answer: She went to the window and saw that it was snowing!
There were 7 cookies on the plate. I can’t believe I ate them all! There were 7 cookies on the plate. I can’t believe I ate (they/them) all! Answer: There were 7 cookies on the plate. I can’t believe I ate them all!
Another class played tug-of-war against (we/us) in P.E. Answer: Another class played tug-of-war against us in P.E.
Our dog Max likes when we scratch (he/him) behind the ears. Answer: Our dog Max likes when we scratch him behind the ears.
(We/Us) like to play tag at recess. Answer: We like to play tag at recess.
While walking home from school, Alex found two quarters. While walking home from school, Alex found two quarters. He put (it/them) in his pocket. Answer: While walking home from school, Alex found two quarters. He put them in his pocket.
My neighbor likes to ride bikes with My neighbor likes to ride bikes with (my sister and I/my sister and me). Answer: My neighbor likes to ride bikes with my sister and me.
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