Climate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa Assessing vulnerability of urban systems, population and goods in relation to natural and man-made disasters in Africa “Training on the job” Course on Hazards, Risk and (Bayesian) multi-risk assessement Napoli, 24.10.2011 – 11.11.2011 Module 3.5: Desertification, Methodologies Iavazzo, Topa, Terracciano 27/11/2018
DESERTIFICATION: CAUSES Desertification is a process of land degradation reducing its productivity and resulting from various factors, including climate variations and human activities (Warren, 1996) So desertification is the final result of a complex system of interactions between natural and anthropic factors. Several indicators can be used to detect the progress of the desertification process. 27/11/2018
DESERTIFICATION: INDICATORS frequency In particular, in these charts we can see the most used indicators in Italian studies for monitoring desertification. Most common climate indicators are… consecutive droughts rainfall seasonality annual rainfall evapotranspiration aspect air temperature water erosion drought (year) drought (month) rainfall deficit soil moisture rainy days rain coefficient Climate indicators for desertification in Italy (Ceccarelli et al., 2006) 27/11/2018
DESERTIFICATION: INDICATORS frequency Most common pedological indicators are… slope soil depth texture parent material rock fragments drainage erosion AWC wter regime edaphic comp. altitude skeleton soil temperature lava saline lithotype distance from sea irrigated areas Pedological indicators for desertification in Italy (Ceccarelli et al., 2006) 27/11/2018
DESERTIFICATION: INDICATORS frequency Most common vegetation indicators are… vegetation cover drought resistance fire risk erosion protection Vegetation indicators for desertification in Italy (Ceccarelli et al., 2006) 27/11/2018
DESERTIFICATION: INDICATORS frequency Most common human pressure indicators are… land use intensity policy pasture demographic variation natural areas population density roads and railways urban sprawl agricultural yields SAU biological SAU water SAU agro-environment fire aging index occupation index illiteracy index retirement index Human pressure indicators for desertification in Italy (Ceccarelli et al., 2006) 27/11/2018
DESERTIFICATION: DATA COLLECTION Vegetation map of Africa Rainfall in Africa Soil map of Africa Land use of Africa In order to assess and study the desertification in a study area it is essential to collect a great number of data which can help us to better recognize the characteristics of the area related to the desertification. Those are just some examples of maps that you can easily find on internet; of course the more detailed, the better. Land cover of Africa 27/11/2018
Climatic and bioclimatic indices METHODOLOGIES Rain Use Efficiency Climatic and bioclimatic indices FAO/UNEP There are several methodologies which have been used to study desertification in different areas. In particular we are going to focus our attention to these 3 methodologies: MEDALUS CRA-CMA 27/11/2018
Climatic and bioclimatic indices Initially the climatic and bioclimatic conditions are analyzed on subcontinental scale by using indices as: De Martonne’s aridity index Lang’s factor Emberger’s factor AI Aridity index P: mean annual rainfall T: mean annual temperature M: hotest month’s maximum temperature m: coolest month’s minimum temperature ETP: potential evapotranspiration (calculated by method of Thornthwaite) 27/11/2018
Climatic and bioclimatic indices The De Martonne’s index identifies four types of climate: in particular when the index is less than 5 the zone is defined hyper-arid, when it is between 5 and 15 the zone is defined as arid, when it is between 15 and 20 it is defined as sub-humid and when the values are above 20 then the climate is defined as humid. The climate classification according to Lang’s factor is the following: P/T Climate ≤40 Arid 40 - 60 Semi-arid 60 - 100 Subhumid 100 - 160 Humid 27/11/2018
Climatic and bioclimatic indices The Emberg’s factor Q values are much lower than what the climate is arid, and in particular: 20<Q<30= arid 30<Q<50= semiarid 50<Q<90= sub-humid Q>90= humid By means of the Aridity Index can be delineated four arid zones: hyper-arid, arid, semi-arid and sub-humid. AI Zone AI < 0.03 hyper-arid 0.03<AI<0.2 arid 0.2<AI<0.5 semiarid 0.5<AI<0.75 sub-humid 27/11/2018
FAO/UNEP (1984) METHODOLOGY The FAO/UNEP (1984) method is multidimensional methodology summarized by a matrix whose rows are quantitative and qualitative variables of vegetation and soil. The columns are classes of degree of desertification (slight, moderate, etc.). The elements of the matrix are, in the case of quantitative variables, the range of values of each variable corresponding to each degree of desertification status. In the case of qualitative variables, there are verbal descriptions instead of values. 27/11/2018
FAO/UNEP (1984) METHODOLOGY PROBLEMS LOGICAL PROBLEMS PRACTICAL PROBLEMS number of implicit assumptions underlying the matrix subjective nature of data Within the logical problems, the most relevant is likely the number of implicit assumptions underlying the matrix. For example, it assumes that 40% of perennial plant cover is equivalent to a 75% decline in plant production. In a similar way, a system with 10% of the area with exposed subsoil (slight desertification) and 25 cm of soil thickness (severe desertification) is made equivalent to a system with 15% of the area with exposed subsoil and 70 cm of soil thickness (moderate desertification). Another major avenue of criticism has been the subjective nature of their data as most variables were not measured but estimated by “informed opinion’’. Regarding the practical problems, the methodology was labour-intensive, which posed serious limitations to the frequency and/or the extent of assessments. methodology labour-intensive 27/11/2018
ESAs (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) model MEDALUS METHODOLOGY MEDALUS (Mediterranean Desertification And Land Use) project ESAs (Environmentally Sensitive Areas) model Vegetation Soil In order to identify the desertification vulnerable areas (ESAs) the MEDALUS European project was developed and used in many Mediterranean countries (Greece, Portugal, Italy, Egypt). The various types of ESAs to desertification can be distinguished and mapped by using some key indicators for assessing land capability to degradation or land suitability for supporting specific types of land use. The key indicators for defining ESAs to desertification, which can be used at regional or national level, can be divided into 4 categories defining the qualities of soil, climate, vegetation and land management. Climate Land Management ESAI (Index of Environmental Sensibility)
MEDALUS METHODOLOGY ESAI Soil Texture Rock Fragment Slope Gradient Soil Depth Parent Material Drainage SQI Soil Quality Index CQI Climate Quality Index Mean Annual Rainfall Aspect Aridity Index ESAI Fire Risk Erosion Protection Drought Resistance Plant Cover Each of these parameters is grouped into various uniform classes with respect to its behaviour on desertification and weighting factors are assigned in each class. The 4 indices for vegetation, climate, soil and land management quality are calculated providing a measure of the inherent quality of the physical environment and the man induced stress of desertification. VQI Vegetation Quality Index Land Use Type Land Use Intensity Policy MQI Management Quality Index (Kosmas et al., 1999)
Soil quality indicators related to: SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX Soil quality indicators related to: Soil quality indicators for mapping ESAs can be related to water availability and erosion resistance. Water availability Erosion resistance 27/11/2018
Surface rock fragment cover Slope grade SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX Soil texture Surface rock fragment cover Slope grade Soil depth to limitating layers Parent material Drainage conditions These qualities can be evaluated by using simple soil properties given in regular soil survey reports such as soil depth, soil texture, drainage, parent material, slope grade, stoniness, etc. The use of these properties for defining and mapping ESAs requires the definition of distinct classes with respect to degree of land protection from desertification. (The definition of classes requires the study of relations such as: soil depth and plant cover under various climatic, lithological and topographical conditions, parent material and water availability, soil water holding capacity and soil texture. The following minimum data basis for soils at appropriate scale are required for definition of the ESAs to desertification at regional scale.) 27/11/2018
SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX related to: erodibility water retention capacity crusting aggregate stability The amount of available water is related to both texture and structure. Soils high in silt (silt loam) tend to have the largest available water holding capacity. In the opposite, sands have the smallest available water holding capacity. L: loamy; S: sandy; C: clayey; Si: silt 27/11/2018
SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX effect on: run off soil erosion soil moisture conservation biomass production Rock fragments present in soil surface are classified in 3 classes according to their capacity to conserve soil water and protect the soils from erosion. Beyond 20%, the limited space between fragments prevents development of scour holes and thus limits soil loss. 27/11/2018
SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX Slope angle and generally topography are undoubtedly important determinants of soil erosion. Erosion becomes acute when slope angle exceeds a critical value and then increases logarithmically. Slope grade is classified in 4 classes according to the effect on soil erosion. 27/11/2018
SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX Soil depth is defined as the depth of the soil profile from the soil surface to the top of the regolith or unweathered parent material. The critical depth can be defined as the soil depth in which plant cover achieves values above 40%. On soil less than that depth, recovery of the natural perennial vegetation is very low and the erosional processes may be very active resulting in further degradation of the land. 1.5 1.7 2 27/11/2018
SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX Soil derived from different parent materials react differently to soil erosion, vegetation and desertification. The p.m. is defined using the geological map of the study area. The various types of p.m. are grouped into the following classes according to their petrology and mineralogical composition and their sensitivity to desertification. 27/11/2018
SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX Soil drainage condition is mainly used for assessing desertification risk due to salinization. 27/11/2018
SQI SOIL QUALITY INDEX SQI = (texture * parent material * rock fragment * depth * slope * drainage) 1/6 Soil quality index is then calculated as the product of the previous attributes as the following algorithm. 27/11/2018
CQI Climate QUALITY INDEX Amount of rainfall Air temperature Aridity The following data on climate are required for the assessment of climate quality 27/11/2018
CQI Climate QUALITY INDEX 1.5 2 27/11/2018
CQI Climate QUALITY INDEX Aridity zones of the world (WRI, 2002) ti: mean air temperature for month i in °C; Pi: total precipitation for month i in mm; Ki: proportion of the month during which 2ti – Pi > 0. 27/11/2018
CQI = (rainfall * aridity * aspect) 1/3 Climate QUALITY INDEX CQI = (rainfall * aridity * aspect) 1/3 27/11/2018
VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX VQI VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX Fire risk and ability to recover Erosion protection to the soils Drought resistance Plant cover The dominant biotic land component in terms of desertification is the vegetative cover of the land. For the evaluation of the VQI are considered four factors related to the existing natural or agricultural vegetation. 27/11/2018
VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX VQI VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX Fire cause a quick degradation of soil, due to an increase in the compactness which reduce the amount of water in filtration into the subsoil and increase the runoff. Furthermore, the reduction of vegetation cover implies a remarkable reduction of soil protection from the rain and wind. In Mediterranean environment, fire is very frequent in the pine forest and in Mediterranean macchia (due to the high content of resins or essential oil), but it has a high ability to recover after fire. 27/11/2018
VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX VQI VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX A reduced vegetation cover causes an increase of erosion and of surface run-off. A higher rate of soil loss occurs in crops that leave the soil exposed during the rain season, lower in Mediterranean macchia and forest that have a good cover all over the year. 27/11/2018
VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX VQI VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX The various ecosystems present in the Mediterranean region (macchia, evergreen forest, conifers) present a great capacity of adaptation and resistance to drought, so the crops show the lower drought resistance. 27/11/2018
VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX VQI VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX About plant cover we have three classes. Vegetation cover protect the soil from erosion and reduce runoff and soil loss. 27/11/2018
VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX VQI VEGETATION QUALITY INDEX VQI = (fire risk * erosion protection * drought resistance * vegetation cover) 1/4 Geometric average of four indicators, 3 classes that correspond to 3 level of vegetation quality. 1 to 1.13 1.14 to 1.39 1.40 to 2 27/11/2018
MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX Land use intensity: Agricultural land (cropland, pasture) Natural areas (forest, shrubland, bare land) Mining areas Recreation areas (parks, tourist areas, etc.) Policy related to environmental protection Land use can be classified according to several criteria leading to hierarchies of land use types. The number of criteria employed is dictated by the level of detail desired as well as by the availability of the proper data. The principal classification criterion is the main purpose for which land is used. The last index is the MQI, since the definition of ESAs to desertification requires both key indicators related to the physical environment and to human induced stress. This index depends on the particular type of land use (agriculture, pasture, mining ecc) and its intensity, and on environmental policy. 27/11/2018
MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX If the main use of land is agriculture, the intensity of land use for cropland is assessed by characterising the frequency of irrigation, degree of mechanisation, the use of agrochemicals and fertilisers, the crop varieties, etc. 3 levels of land use are distinguished as following: 27/11/2018
MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX SSR: sustainable stocking rate; ASR: actual stocking rate R: required annual biomass intake per animal (sheep or goat 187.5 kg animal-1 year-1, FAO 1991); X: fraction including grazing efficiency and correction for biomass not produced during the latest growing season (grazed: 0.5, non-grazed 0.25 year-1); P: averaged palatable biomass after dry season (kg ha-1); F: averaged fraction of the soil surface covered with annuals The quality of management of pasture land can be assessed by estimating the sustainable stocking rate (SSR) and actual stocking rate (ASR), and than the intensity of land use is assessed by using the ratio of ASR to SSR and classified in 3 classes as in the table. This data are not easy to calculate and they are usually available from official source, for example for Burkina Faso from in Ministère des Ressources Animales. 27/11/2018
MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX Forest natural and managed. The approach used involves assessment of the sustainable yield of a forest and its comparison to the actual yield by forming the ratio actual/sustainable. A: actual yield; S: sustainable yield 27/11/2018
MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX Mining activities have a highly degrading effect both during lifetime and after the end of the mining. The intensity of land use can be assessed by the erosion control (protection) measurements applied. 27/11/2018
MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX A: actual number of visitors per year; P: permitted number of visitors per year Assessment procedure would involve: assessment of max number of visitors permitted per year; assessment of the actual number of visitors per year; calculation of the ratio of actual to permitted number of visitors per year. Recreation activities are distinct in passive (walking, nature seeing, climbing) with low level of stress, and active recreation includes skiing, rallies with high level of stress. To assess the level of stress of this activities, is evaluated the ratio of Actual and Permitted number of visitors per year. 27/11/2018
MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX Particular attention is given to the policies related to the land protection. Of course their effectiveness depends on the degree to which they are enforced, in particular to the extension of the protected area. The degree of enforcement is complete if the area under protection is higher than 75%... 27/11/2018
MQI MANAGEMENT QUALITY INDEX MQI = (land use intensity * policy enforcement) 1/2 27/11/2018
PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT QUALITIES LAND MANAGEMENT QUALITIES MEDALUS METHODOLOGY PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT QUALITIES LAND MANAGEMENT QUALITIES SQI CQI MQI VQI The final step comprises the matching of the physical environment qualities and the management quality for the definition of the various types of ESAs to desertification. The 4 derived indices are multiplied for the assessment of the ESAs index (ESAI) as following: 27/11/2018
MEDALUS METHODOLOGY In this table there are the types of ESAs. Two types of the ESAs (critical and fragile) including 3 subclasses in each type appear in this table. Two type of ESAs is defined on a three-point scale, raging from 3 (high sensitivity) to 1 (lower sensitivity) 27/11/2018
MEDALUS METHODOLOGY Three general types of ESAs to desertification can be distinguished based on the stage of land degradation: Type A (critical ESAs): areas already highly degraded through past misuse, presenting a threat to the environment of the surrounding areas Type B (fragile ESAs) : areas in which any change in the delicate balance of natural and human activity is likely to bring about desertification Type C (potential ESAs) : areas threatened by desertification under significant climate change; if a particular land use is implemented with wrong criteria the impact will produce severe problems. 27/11/2018
Vegetation quality map Management quality map MEDALUS METHODOLOGY Soil quality map Climate quality map Vegetation quality map Management quality map All the data defining the four sub-index are introduced in a regional geographical information system (GIS) to obtain four maps of sensitivity areas to desertification based on the different indicators. This data are than combined to obtain the final map of ESAs. To a different color correspond different level of sensibility to desertification. Map of ESAs 27/11/2018 The island of Levsos, Greece (Kosmas et al., 1999)