Department of Science and Technology Education A Study on Physics teaching methods used by the grade 10 and 11 teachers in government schools N. V. D. P. Priyadarshani Department of Science and Technology Education Faculty of Education University of Colombo
Background The G.C.E (O/L) is one of the main examinations in Sri Lanka. Science is the main and compulsory subject which the student has to learn. According to the new syllabus, Science subject is divided into three parts namely; Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Cont.…. In school text books, all the relevant theories and practical methods are clearly indicated. For the teachers, teaching methodologies are clearly indicated in the teaching guide. But due to the lack of usage of those teaching methodologies effectively by teachers, student achievements are not in acceptable level.
Objectives The main objectives of this research were, Examining the teaching methodologies given in grade 10 & 11 text books related to subject Physics. Examining how far identified teaching methodologies are used by teachers in grade 10 & 11 Physics. Identifying the problems related to teaching methodologies in grade 10 & 11 Physics.
Research Design This research was a mixed method research. For examining the teaching methodologies given in grade 10 & 11 text books related to subject Physics. (1st objective) Science text books of grade 10 & 11 Teachers guide of grade 10 &11 For examining the teaching methodologies of grade 10 & 11 Physics (2nd objective) Teachers and Students in government schools of the Colombo district.
Sample selected from Colombo district Sinhala medium schools Zone Division Selected Schools 1AB 1C Type 2 Sri Jayawardenapura Maharagama 3 1 Nugegoda 2 Kolonnawa Piliyandala Dehiwala Colombo Colombo- South Teachers – 50 Students – 70
Methodology To identify the current situation of the subject science in G.C.E (O/L) examination, 2013, 2014 and 2015 result sheets were examined. Furthermore evaluation reports of years 2014 and 2015 G.C.E (O/L) examinations were examined to clarify the student interest of selecting questions and what kind of marks they obtained by selecting those questions. To exam the teaching methodologies given in grade 10 & 11 text books related to subject Physics, Science text books of grade 10 &11 and Teachers guide of grade 10 &11 were used to identify the subject content of the syllabus which is related to the Physics part of grade 10 &11 in the subject Science.
Cont.… That subject content was examined in descriptive manner and identified the student centred activities and teacher centred activities. To examine how far identified teaching methodologies were used by teachers in grade 10 & 11 Physics, data were gathered from students and teachers using Questionnaire Interviews Observation Also those tools are used to collect the data for identifying the problems related to teaching methodologies in grade 10 & 11 Physics.
G.C.E(O/L) Examination – 2013, 2014 and 2015 Results analysis Results/ Findings G.C.E(O/L) Examination – 2013, 2014 and 2015 Results analysis 2013 2014 2015 Total Student 264323 257002 272865 A 25506 19642 24270 % 9.65 7.64 8.89 B 18786 13939 21072 7.11 5.42 7.72 C 43989 40296 49778 16.64 15.68 18.24 S 90204 81808 90474 34.13 31.83 33.16 Pass(A,B,C,S) 178485 155685 185594 67.53 60.58 68.02 W 85838 101317 87271 32.47 39.42 31.98
Evaluation reports of years 2014 G.C.E (O/L) examinations Marks Mark’s percentage Percentage Question 9 Question 10 0 -3 0 -25 % 63.95 50.88 4 – 7 26 – 50 % 23.85 25.58 8 – 11 51 – 75% 8.97 17.27 12 – 15 76 – 100% 3.22 6.26 Evaluation reports of years 2015 G.C.E (O/L) examinations Marks Marks percentage Percentage Question 9 Question 10 0 -3 0 -25 % 57.07 55.82 4 – 7 26 – 50 % 25.74 22.27 8 – 11 51 – 75% 11.17 16.43 12 – 15 76 – 100% 6.03 5.48
According to the 2013, 2014 and 2015 result sheets of the science subject in G.C.E (O/L) examination, it indicates 32.5%, 39.4% and 31.9% failed participants respectively. So it means there are some problems related to the teaching learning process. According to the G.C.E (O/L) examination evaluation report of the subject Science in year 2014 and 2015, it says that most of the students have 0 -3 mark out of 15 and there are only few percentage for marks between 12 to 15.
Considering the subject content of the Physics part in descriptive manner, there are 9 chapters for Physics part in grade 10 Science text book and it is 45% of the overall content. For that 58 periods are allocated and it is 35% from the number of total periods. Considering the grade 11, there are 6 chapters for the Physics part in Science text book and it is 42.8% from the overall. For that 54 periods are allocated and it is 39% from the number of total periods.
Physics Chemistry Biology Total Activities Assignments Exercises 26 17 18 13 2 22 43 33 39 Total 33 39 115 % 37.4 28.7 33.9 Student centered activities in grade 10 science text book
Physics Chemistry Biology Total Activities Assignments Exercises 28 3 9 37 12 14 40 49 26 Total 115 % 34.8 42.6 22.6 Student centered activities in grade 11 science text book
Data analysis from student’s questionnaire Percentage Factor Not Satisfactory Marginal Average Good Excellent Your desire for physics 5.7 28.6 25.7 27.1 12.9 The relevance to everyday life 6.1 7.6 53.0 24.2 9.1 It's easy to understand the subject 0.0 22.4 41.8 25.4 10.4 Satisfied with the teacher 4.3 15.9 20.3 26.1 33.3 Does the teacher properly teach? 17.1 32.9 37.1 Are you satisfied with the teacher's subject knowledge? 1.4 5.8 18.8 23.2 50.7 Teacher performs practical examinations. 10.6 16.7 39.4 Existing equipment for practical 20.0 22.9 24.3 Teacher has sufficient knowledge to conduct experiments. 1.5 22.7 45.5 After the lesson the teacher evaluates you 12.3 9.2 27.7 26.2 24.6 Teacher pay attention to weak students. 8.8 14.7 29.4 38.2
Data analysis from Teacher’s questionnaire Percentage Factor Not Satisfactory Marginal Average Good Excellent Practical testing 0.0 2.2 13.3 68.9 15.6 Understanding equipment 8.9 80.0 11.1 Understanding the subject knowledge 10.9 58.7 30.4 Understand the imposition of equipment 13.0 69.6 15.2 Understand the safety of equipment 56.5 Understanding substitute equipment 4.3 6.5
The problems related to teaching methodologies in grade 10 & 11 Physics. Speeding up the lesson Do not explain the lesson well Holding additional classes Conducting question papers Avoiding the some part of the lesson Complex lessons Friction - Equilibrium of forces Geometrical Optics - Newton’s laws of motion Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction Current Electricity - Electronics - Heat
Suggestions from Students and Teachers Sufficient place, equipment and time to do the practical Reduce the lesson content or amount Introduce simple experiments Conduct seminars for complex lessons Increase student centered activities
Conclusions Examining the grade 10 & 11 science text book, there are 37.4% and 34.8% student centred activities respectively but the problem is enough time is not allocated for the Physics part compared to the other parts; Chemistry and Biology. Also due to the lack of adequate resources and teachers capability for organizing the lesson, teachers use some of the student centred activities as demonstration or using a suitable other teacher centred methods. So that there is no enough chances to gather the knowledge from effective teaching methods.
References Alles, J. (1985) Sri Lanka Tha Report of the Science Education,UNESCO. Biegeleison, J. I. (1969 ) Career and opportunities in teaching. New York : Dutton Howe, H. – In Donald J. Maccadthy and associates, Jossey Bass Inc. california. USA Kerlinger, F. N.(1983). Foundation of Behavioural Research. New Delhi : Surjeet Publication. Kotasek, J. (1975) Education on the move. Paris : UNESCO Nicholls, S. H. (1975) Creative Teaching. London : Uniwin Ltd. Schmidbauer, M. (1975) Education on the move. Paris : UNESCO
Cont.… Yadev,M.S.(1992). Teaching of Science. New Delhi : Anmol Publications Grade 10 Science text book (2015), Education Publication Department Grade 11 Science text book (2016), Education Publication Department Teacher’s Guide Grade 10 (2015), National Institute of Education Teacher’s Guide Grade 11 (2016), National Institute of Education G.C.E (O/L) examination evaluation report of Science subject in year 2014 and 2015 G.C.E (O/L) examination result sheet in year 2013, 2014 and 2015
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