The stability of a cone.
Stability in the s-plane.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge (a) as oscillation begins and (b) at catastrophic failure.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge (a) as oscillation begins and (b) at catastrophic failure.
The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion
Case 1: No element in the first column is zero.
Example 5.1 Second-order system
Example 5.2 Thrid-order system
Case 2: Zero in the first column
ExampIe 5.3 Unstable system
Case 3: Zeros in one row
Example 5.4 Robot control
Welding head position control.
Relative Stability of Feedback Control Systems
Root locations in the s-plane.
(a) Turning control system for a two-track vehicle. (b) Block diagram.
The stable region.
Closed-loop control system with T(s) = Y(s)/R(s) = 1/(s3 + s2+ 2s+24).
Routh array for the closed-loop control system with T(s) = Y(s)/R(s) = 1/(s3 s2 2s 24)
The closed-loop disk drive head system with an optional velocity feedback.
Equivalent system with the velocity feedback switch closed.
Response of the system with velocity feedback. (a) MATLAB script. (b) Response with Ka = 100 and K1 = 0.05.