Vocabulary 7A
Abhor (v.) to regard with horror or loathing; to hate deeply S: detest, despise, abominate A: admire, cherish, respect, relish A pacifist is someone who abhors violence in all its forms.
Amend (v.) to change in a formal way; to change for the better. S: modify, improve, correct If you are not doing well in a particular subject, you may want to amend your way of studying it.
Buffet (v.) to slap or cuff; to strike repeatedly; to drive or force with blows; to force one’s way with difficulty; (n.) a slap, blow S: (v.) batter, sock, thump, pummel, toss about Blinding snowstorms buffet the barren landmass of Antarctica for months on end. Few figures in history or literature are as severely tested by fortune’s buffets as Job in the Old Testament
Chaos (n.) great confusion, disorder S: anarchy, turmoil, pandemonium A: order, regularity, tranquility A great many people lost their fortunes and even their lives in the chaos brought on by the French Revolution.
Commodious (adj.) roomy, spacious S: comfortable, ample, capacious A: cramped, claustrophobic, insufficient No one would expect a tiny studio apartment to have particularly commodious closets.
Corrosive (adj.) eating away gradually, acidlike; bitterly sarcastic S: caustic, mordant, acidulous, spiteful A: bland, mild, benign, amiable Sulfuric acid is one of the most corrosive substances known to chemistry.
Discern (v.) to see clearly, recognize S: perceive, detect, distinguish A: overlook It is a jury’s job to discern the truth by carefully evaluating all the evidence presented at trial.
Extant (adj.) still existing; not exterminated, destroyed, or lost S: surviving, in existence A: extinct, defunct, vanished The paintings of animals and human hands in Spain’s Altamira caves are among the oldest extant specimens of Stone Age art.
Implicate (v.) to involve in; to connect with or be related to S: incriminate, entangle A: absolve, exculpate The suspects never stood trial because there was no solid evidence to implicate them in the daring series of robberies.
Inter (v.) to bury, commit to the earth; to consign to oblivion A: unearth, exhume Jewels and other objects once interred with Egypt’s pharaohs can now be seen in numerous museums all over the world.