Shane Romero Lillian Tong An Tran Wind Shane Romero Lillian Tong An Tran
Source When the earth is unevenly distributed by the sun, the land and sea are warmed, driving a global atmospheric system. Wind energy is converted through friction into diffuse heat throughout the earth’s surface and atmosphere. Wind power is the conversion of wind energy to a useful form of energy, such as using wind turbines, windmills, and wind pumps.
Efficiency & Cost on going costs- low. Moderate capital cost. Marginal cost= 1 ¢ per KW · h U.S. wind power industry makes $5 million a year—which is, considered little compared to other energy industries like nuclear power energy.
Equipment extraction& use Turbines are used to extract power from wind. Shafts attached to a gear drives another gear attached to a generator. Inside is a magnet surrounded by a coil as the magnet spins. It generates through the coil that creates electric current called the AC Used in power plants and to power houses and buildings
Wind Turbine
Consumption/Usage U.S. & World Use increases 30% annually Used mostly in Europe, Asia, and U.S. 19% is used in Demark 9% in Spain & Portugal 6% in Germany & Ireland Accounts for 2.3% of the energy in the U.S.
Advantages Doesn’t cause greenhouse gases/other pollutants Takes up small portions of land—less space than an average power station Comes in various sizes—big for businesses & small for households Very cheap Great for developed/developing countries—steady, reliable, supply of electricity Wind is a lot cleaner than other energy sources
Disadvantages Not dependable—for it to work, you must have consistent wind Gives off interference to TV & radio signals Kills birds—they don’t see the blades b/c it moves so fast and they run into it Noisy Can be damaged in heavy weather and repair costs are usually expensive