NM Department of Transportation (NMDOT) All Road Network of Linear Referenced Data (ARNOLD) Phase 2 Data Migration and ESRI Roads & Highways implementation Executive Sponsor: Tom Church, Cabinet Secretary Business Owners: Yolanda Duran, NMDOT Data Management Bureau Mel Herrera, GIS/Geospatial Team - Supervisor Jack Yates, Roadway Inventory Program Joann Girard, Business Support IT Project Manager Project Certification for Initiation & Planning November 16, 2015
ARNOLD Program Overview Phase 1 FHWA Pooled Fund Study Create statewide LRS network that complies with MAP-21 requirements Combine NMDOT legacy LRS network currently housed in TIMS with the following sources: E911 ProMiles Navajo Federal (BLM, USFS, BIA, NPS, USCOE, Army, BOR, DOE & FWS) Establish processes to identify and incorporate network changes Project Timeline Start: Nov, 2014 Complete: 5/1/2016 Project Phase Implementation Phase 2 Stand up Esri Roads & Highways and Migrate NMDOT TIMS Data Stand up Esri R&H test and production environments Migrate Phase 1 LRS to Esri environments Migrate TIMS asset data, including Bridge, Traffic & HPMS Data (some data sourced from Mandli) Start: Feb, 2016 Complete: Nov/Dec, 2016 Initiation/Planning Phase 3 Connect Other NMDOT LRS-Dependent Systems and Data Sources Prioritize interfaces for other NMDOT systems to connect to Phase 2 Esri R&H Implementation Includes the following systems: Pavement Management Maintenance Management STIP Traffic Bridge Management Outdoor Advertising Right of Way Crash Start: Oct/Nov, 2016 Complete: TBD Not yet started
Phase 2 Project Goals and Deadline Full Integration and implementation of the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) Roads and Highways module of ArcGIS to meet the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) data requirements for the federal “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century” (MAP-21) act, as well as NMDOT’s internal performance measures. Migration of data from the Transportation Information Management System (TIMS) into NMDOT’s Roads and Highways Database.
Business Problems Current system: … is cumbersome, requiring an 18-month learning curve to proficiently utilize the system. … is relatively inaccessible to NMDOT’s staff supporting Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the Roadway Inventory Program (RIP). Requests for data exports and summary tabulation must go through NMDOT’s IT Division to accurately extract the data. …does not link to other department databases such as pavement and bridge, and requires a complicated process to upload bulk data files. … requires use of obsolete ArcMap 9.3 and browser (IE 8) technology, blocking access to the most current functions and analytical tools in the current ArcGIS 10.3 software.
Desired Outcomes A continuous, statewide Linear Referencing System (LRS) that meets the MAP 21 ARNOLD requirements Migration away from and retirement of the existing NMDOT TIMS database (a dated and complex system) A more user-friendly design for database data import, query and reporting Ability to readily transform GPS coordinates to linear reference system mile points and vice-versa.
Business Opportunity Meet Map 21 Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) and Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Requirements Provide an easy means to validate NM-certified mileage Meet the expanded MAP 21 LRS requirement “to cover all public roads including representation of dual carriageways on divided highways” and related highway facilities (e.g., ramps). Opportunity to implement the expanded requirements, based on best practices identified by other State DOTs.
Cost Savings Reduced staff time due to increased efficiency and productivity by utilizing a single, state-wide, well implemented linear reference system Lower government service costs due to more efficient work flows and more accurate business process tracking, data entry, auditing, and reporting of information Utilization of a much more familiar, user-friendly software interface will greatly reduce staff training time and costs. Modernization of ArcGIS and browser technologies consolidates support time and costs
Risk of Keeping the Status Quo Loss of federal funds due to inadequate reporting Further degradation of data quality due to inability to stay current with necessary updates Current system does not meet the Federal Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) nor their Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) data requirements, and uses outdated technology Many manual processes needed to produce reports required by FHWA Maintaining multiple LRS systems and databases.
Project Phases and Deliverables Milestone Detail Due Date Deliverable Initiation – Close IV&V IV&V Support across ARNOLD Program Phase 1 and Phase 2 12/31/2016 Independent Verification & Validation Initiation Discovery Review of Phase 1 Data and Information and Kickoff of Phase 2 Project Feb, 2016 Project team, Implementation methodology, Overview of Project Tasks & Deliverables and Draft Project Plan Planning Project Plan Refinement of project plan based on Discovery Mar, 2016 Final Project Plan, including schedule, risk management, change management and communication plans Database requirements Draft design of ESRI Roads & Highways database Initial model design and design revisions Implementation Data Migration Route and event data migrated to ESRI Roads & Highways data model Jun, 2016 Initial data migration into data model, documentation of business decisions and processes for migration, creation/configuration of migration tools/scripts Configuration ESRI Roads & Highways system architecture and configuration Jul, 2016 Finalize system architecture for R&H environments; configure R&H desktop and RCE Training and support Training, on-site and remote support Oct, 2016 Training and delivery of training materials Close Licensing Delivery of HPMS QA/QC Toolkit Nov/Dec, 2016 Delivery of final toolkit with free license
Total Cost of Ownership Description FFY16 FFY17 IV&V Independent Validation & Verification $14,980.00 $13,910.00 Consulting Services System Implementation $219,056.00 $229,106.00 Software Licenses ESRI R&H: Included in existing Enterprise License Agreement (ELA) ESRI R&H: Included in existing ELA Agreement QA/QC Toolkit: $0.00 TOTAL $234,036.00 $243,016.00