INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATIONS VALUE: GSEM Case Study Zhanna S. Belyaeva, PhD Head of International Economics and Business Programme «Russian Business Schools: Competitiveness on the Global Market» The Fifth Annual International Conference Education and Global Cities: New Technologies for Development St.Petersburg 2018
Little Introduction…
Accreditation Mindset: Seal of Approval Quality Accreditation What is business schools motivation and the accreditation choice? no single approach to meeting standards for accreditation (a) movement not only toward international structures for quality assurance and accreditation but toward developing regional structures as well; (b) a preference to retain—rather than eliminate—national structures for quality assurance and accreditation even while developing regional and international structures; and (c) continued dialogue and debate on a number of difficult questions, the answers to which will involve the ultimate nature of an international higher education space. Globalisation Internationalisation
Our Accreditation Path Feb.2015 Jun.2015 Jun.2016 Jun.2017 Dec.2017 Feb.2018 Jun.2018 EPAS PRT visit First progress report Second progress report + application for re-accreditation Sending self-assessment report Re-Accreditation decision 1. Approved as Business-Unit February 2018 2. Pre-accreditation 3. Achievement of the matching with AACSB Standards 2019-2021 4. Initial accreditation 2021-2022 5. Accreditation 2022
IEB Programme Positioning Upgrade Mission: The leading Russian programme in business economics to train world class business analytics to promote Russia in the key sectors of the global economy. Have fun, do good, and the money will come Investing is simple, but not easy Culture eats strategy for breakfast
Quality Improvement highlights English Taught programme International Faculty and Academic Partners Professors Level Students Level Research Professor (integration into courses) Business-trainer (integration into projects) Summer/Autumn Schools Segmentation of academic partners teambuilding International Standards Corporate Partners Integration Double degree (2018+) Case Writing Licensed Teaching Materials and Gamification Creative Pedagogy Integrated Master Classes Internships and training for teachers and students Case Writing Field Visits
Key Global Reputation Projects Research Conference Russian Regions in Focus International Summer/Autumn School «Sustainable Business Development» EFMD co-organized events Public and Corporate Talks and Forums Global Case Championships (for Students and Alumni) feeling the outcomes
Mapping the Key Stakeholders Offering alternative programs that attract a wider range of students Targeting financial support in order to ensure that business school is a viable investment for a range of students, especially those with a lower earnings profile. Providing adequate supports for students, faculty, and staff with caregiving responsibilities. 8 8 8
Impacts on GSEM strategy From good regional to globally visible school Balanced International Integration: Students, Faculty, Corporates Experimental Pedagogy: zest for learning (internationalisation in action, experiential learning, business oriented pedagogy, learner centered teaching) IEB newly adopted quality criteria apply these lessons to other programmes Alignment institution’s long term objectives Facilitate Balanced International Integration Arranges for Experimental pedagogy Shapes Assessment methods and QA procedures Bringing Alumnus back to Alma-mater Helps Keeping pace with rapid technological developments Out of the box: feeling new quality assurance standards Keeping pace with technological developments Bringing Alumni back to School
Quality Spin-Off Institutionally wise Higher quality of the system and of accredited programmes and generally institution National recognition and visibility HE Better international recognition and visibility Professionaly wise Proud of institution! Better opportunities for teaching and research Socially Wise Better Team Responsible Graduates
Accreditation Driven Effects Corporate and Alumni Help + Administrative Support+ Students are the key stakeholders (and they are on board) + Professional Recognition+ Research Recognition+ Being proud of the programme/school/University= Global Recognition
Strategic Drivers for continuous assessment The sky is the limit! What we wanna be 2025 Power of Stakeholders People Development Strategic, Multicultural Innovative Responsible, Smart Double Diploma: TOP offer in Russia Contents Review Structure Review Strategy Review EPAS Accreditation 2015 Who we are 2010 Impact on Stakeholders
Zhanna Belyaeva International Economics and Business BA