Orthodox Theology Part II - God


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Presentation transcript:

Orthodox Theology Part II - God St. Mary & St. Mina Coptic Orthodox Church Servants Meeting January 14, 2018

Who is God ? Two contrasting facts: God is the “wholly Other” – invisible, inconceivable, transcendent, beyond all words and all understanding God is, the same time, very close to us, filling all things and present everywhere. He is present in a personal way God dwells in light unapproachable and yet we can talk to Him as we talk to our friend www.themegallery.com

God as Mystery Yes, God is our friend, but we have to always remember who God really is. Always approach him in “fear and trembling” God is beyond our understanding. In the litrugy according to St. Gregory, we say “without beginning, inconceivable, timeless, ….” Mystery not only signifies hiddenness, but also that something is revealed www.themegallery.com

God as a Person In the Creed, we do not say “I believe that there is a God”, but we say “I believe IN one God” Believing in God means trusting Him, turning to Him Faith means a personal relationship with God. It is to know God as a person. To know someone as a person means to love him/her www.themegallery.com

God as a person Personal love between the believer and God: St. Polycarp The martyrs The monks and ascetics We are all called for this loving relationship with God www.themegallery.com

God The name by which God revealed Himself is Yahweh, meaning the “One who Exists” – “I AM WHO I AM” This means “I live, I am here, I am together with you” The superiority of God’s being over all other beings” After the Babylonian captivity, the Jews refrained out of reverential awe from uttering the name of Yahweh, and used instead “Adonai” (the Lord)

Divine Names Lord – His power, dominion & glory Lord of Hosts King of Glory Almighty – Pantokrator Holy, All-good LOVE There are also names that originate in human experience (Shepherd, Lamb, Way, Door)

Attributes of God Uncreated & without beginning No higher principle or cause of existence beyond Him. He is the cause of everything Being infinite & boundless God exists beyond the categories of space and is free from all limitation. He cannot be measured

Attributes of God Eternal Immaterial Exists beyond the category of time. “I am the first, and I am the last” (Isa. 48:12) “I am the Alpha and the Omega” Immaterial By nature, “God is spirit” Indefinable, invisible and inconceivable

Theology Summarized “A theologian is one who prays” It is not by speculative knowledge but in the depths of prayerful silence that the soul can encounter God, who is beyond everything, and who reveals himself to her The truth encountered by the saints is what is formulated in the dogmas “A theologian is one who prays”