The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
The Spanish Civil War The two sides were: The Nationalists (a loose coalition of right wing groups, including Army high command, the Church, the landowners, monarchists, and the Falange (fascist party) The Republicans (looser coalition or left wing groups, including socialists, trade unionists, communists, anarchists and moderate liberals)
The Spanish Civil War Objectives: The Nationalists Republicans sought to preserve Spain’s integrity, while Republicans wished to preserve the Second Republic
The Causes of the War Profound cause: long period of decline since the great days of he Spanish Empire Spain had made little progress, lost her empire, and fallen behind in the industrialization process Deep division in Spanish society Landowners vs. Peasants
The Causes of the War Church vs. Anti-Clerical movements: The Church had enormous power in Spain and was opposed to social reform, this led to groups that sought to reduce the Church’s influence
The Causes of the War Conservatives vs. Liberals There was a lack of a political middle, and extremists elements were increasingly popular Massive divisions between countryside and towns
The Causes of the War The Spanish army had a tradition of interfering in politics Long standing tradition of violence in Spanish politics, and democracy had never really been established (therefore parties tried to reserve election results through violence)
The Causes of the War ‘Democracy’ in Spain had brought about corrupt Governments and undermined the concept of democracy -- there was electoral fraud and continuing landlord control under Spanish ‘democracy’
The Causes of the War There was a desire for autonomy in several regions of Spain. Conservatives saw this as a threat to Spain Anarchism was a powerful force in Spain Army concern at the possibility of a communist takeover
The Causes of the War The weakness of the Government of the Second Republic (1930-1936), its failure to carry out reforms, and to act against those that were plotting against the Republic It also failed to maintain law and order The assassination of the right wing leader Calvo Sotelo in July 1936
The Main Characteristics of the Spanish Civil War The conflict was extremely brutal There was widespread foreign intervention (due to the conflict -- seen as a struggle between right and left) Nationalists received support from Germany and Italy Republicans obtained aid from USSR and occasionally from France, as well as foreign volunteers and the International Brigades
The Main Characteristics of the Spanish Civil War It has been characterized as an ideological war The loose coalitions developed into strongly idealistic as excesses polarized opinion The war was never clear cut Only the ideological divide between foreign supporters was clear USSR vs. Germany & Italy
The Main Characteristics of the Spanish Civil War It was seen as a ‘curtain raiser’ for WWII First major use of air power Bombing of civilian targets Formations of armored vehicles (to predict Hitler’s Blitzkrieg) It is claimed that it was a war between professional soldiers and armed workers (although gradually order and discipline was instituted amongst the Republicans
The Main Characteristics of the Spanish Civil War This war saw the use of propaganda to overcome resistance and terrify population It brought profound social changes in its wake (especially in Republican held areas)
The Effects of the War Tremendous loss if life (executions continued after the victory of the nationalists) Material losses were great (this was important since Spain had been backward before the war already -- the Republicans sent all the gold reserves to the USSR for safekeeping
The Effects of the War Franco’s regime marked the end of democracy for the next 40 years Agriculture remained backward and the landowners in control The Church became more powerful (in return for support for Franco’s regime)
The Effects of the War Regionalism was suppressed, and the state highly centralized Censorship was introduced No attempts at reconciliation, reconstruction Cultural life suffered due to the authoritarianism of Franco High degree of state control led to corruption
The Effects of the War Franco’s foreign supporters wanted compensation Franco had to provide Germany with much needed resources Spain became diplomatically isolated
The Reasons for the Nationalist Victory The reality of the Corporate State was the Fascists sides with employers and this system did little to represent the interests of the workers This system was effectively only a disguise for exploitation of labour
The Reasons for the Nationalist Victory Propaganda was used to claim successes, but remained propaganda Successes included improvements in public transport, success in the campaign against the Mafia… The one major success was the ending of the conflict between State and Church (the establishment of the Vatican as an independent state)