High-Level Abstraction of Concurrent Finite Automata for the Purpose of Hierarchical Control Klaus Schmidt SVC - Seminar September 16th, 2003
Overview Preliminaries Concurrent Systems Structural Decentralized Finite Automata - Properties - Advantages 4. High – Level Abstraction - Control Structure - Hierarchical Consistency - Example 5. Complexity Issues 6. Summary and Future Work
1. Preliminaries
1. Preliminaries: Notations in the DES Framework Automaton G automata and regular languages 1 2 3 4 deterministic finite automata G states events transition function marked states initial state 4 regular languages Alphabet strings closed language marked language
1. Preliminaries: Standard Control Structure Automaton G classification of events 1 2 3 4 controllable events – can be disabled: uncontrollable events – always enabled: feedback structure Plant G Supervisor S disabled events occuring in G 4 tracks strings occuring in G: disables event after if supervisor
1. Preliminaries: Supervisor Design automaton G controlled language 1 2 3 4 specification desired language: 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 4 generator for Definition: Controllability A language is controllable w.r.t. to a language If and only if 4 supremal controllable sublanguage
1. Preliminaries: Supervisor Design nonblocking - condition there must exist a path to a marked state controlled language: Controllability and Non-blocking Theorem A non-blocking supervisor, which implements the Specification for an automaton exists iff: (i) controllable w.r.t. (ii) is -closed, i.e.
1. Preliminaries: Supervisor Design Advantages systematic procedure for determining supervisors for finite automata synthesize maximally permissive behavior: supremal controllable sublanguage algorithms which are polynomial in time Problem: state explosion for monolithic design formulation of specifications for large systems modular design decentralized architectures hierarchical architectures
2. Concurrent Systems
2. Concurrent Systems: Decentralized Architecture subsystems: Finite Automata Alphabet: closed language: marked language: common events: overall system: Finite Automaton synchronous composition: closed language: marked language: alphabet: common behavior subsystem
2. Concurrent Systems: Blocking Issues Idea: local control specifications for decentralized subsystems supremal controllable sublanguage local supervisors concurrent operation of interaction may lead to blocking in the overall behavior nonconflicting-condition concurrent operation is nonblocking and controllable iff always check if condition is fulfilled are nonblocking local languages
2. Concurrent Systems: Blocking Issues if concurrent operation is conflicting try to adapt specifications construct overall specification and compute overall supremal controllable language in case of conflict in general for which systems equality holds? Sword of damokles
3. Structural Decentralized Finite Automata
3. Structural Decentralized Finite Automata: Conditions (i) shared event marking condition: marks predecessor state of each common event is marked (ii) mutual controllability condition: local language is controllable w.r.t. external behavior of other languages as seen by
3. Structural Decentralized Finite Automata: Example two cooperating machine cells (Lee & Wong) 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 5 5 Controllability 1 1
3. Structural Decentralized Finite Automata: Theorem Theorem (Lee and Wong 2002): Let the decentralized architecture be given as defined before. Suppose that for and (i) marks (ii) and are mutually controllable Then for any the following holds: and is nonblocking w.r.t. verify local specifications generate local supervisors concurrent operation of local supervisors is nonblocking concurrent operation of local supervisors is optimal (equals overall solution)
4. High-Level Abstraction
4. High-Level Abstraction: Control Structure local system Concurrent nonblocking Finite Automata Structural Decentralized Architecture shared event marking mutual controllability local control local specifications ( -closed) local supervisor s.t. equivalent overall supervisor local closed-loop language local controls are non-conflicting (mutual controllability) closed loop language is nonblocking
4. High-Level Abstraction: Control Structure global system high-level events (common events) natural projection high-level language high-level marked language high-level supervisor translation map with iff (i) (ii) concept of high-level abstraction: projection on common event set coordination of system interaction via high-level control translation of virtual high-level control action to low-level low-level supervisor consists of low-level + translated high-level control
4. High-Level Abstraction: Results problems to be solved: (1) complexity of projection is exponential in size of automaton hierarchical consistency: translation of high-level control policy to low level (3) interaction of high- and low-level part of low-level supervisor (1): Theorem (Construction of High-Level Language) Let the proposed hierarchical control architecture be given. Then the high-level language can be constructed as follows: States: left side: k^n states right side: k states * n apply projection only to sublanguages compose abstracted sublanguages
4. High-Level Abstraction: Results (2) and (3): Theorem (Hierarchical Consistency) Assume the proposed hierarchical control architecture, then (i) is hierarchical consistent w.r.t. for all high level specifications it follows that (ii) is nonblocking (iii) is maximally permissive high-level control action can be realized in low level the closed-loop language is nonblocking the translated low-level supervisor does not disable behavior if it is not necessary
4. High-Level Abstraction: Control Loop Low Level Supervisor Plant
4. High-Level Abstraction: Example 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4 5 5 1 2 5a 4 3 5b low-level spezifications
4. High-Level Abstraction: Example generator for Generator for 1,1 0,0 generator for 1 1 high-level specification 1 2 controllable in high level translate to low level
4. High-Level Abstraction: Example high-level specification 1 2 low-level realization 1 1 3 3 2 2 5b 4 5b 5a 4 5a
5. Complexity Issues
5. Complexity Issues: Structural Decentralized Architecture Mutual Controllability: projection: exponential in number of states controllability polynomial in number of states worst case: exponential complexity Shared-event marking: polynomial in number of states and transitions marks polynomial Low-Level Control: n times equvalent high level control nonconflicting condition need not be verified polynomial
5. Complexity Issues: High-Level Architecture High-Level Automaton: Theorem 1 projection of local automata: exponential synchronous composition of projected automata: global marked states: polynomial exponential in number of subautomata and states of subautomata High-Level Control: Theorem 2 supremal controllable sublanguage for high-level automaton: polynomial Translation High-Level to Low-Level Supervisor: Theorem 2 proposed architecture: more general architectures: ? polynomial ?
6. Summary and Future Work
6. Summary and Future Work Structural Decentralized Architecture Hierarchical Abstraction Low-Level Supervision High-Level Supervision Hierarchical Consistency Complexity Future Work elaborate conditions for mutual controllability formulate more general architecture multi-level hierarchy