African Ethnic and Religious Groups
Top of page 69 SS7G4b. Explain the diversity of religions between the Arab, Ashanti, Bantu, and Swahili ethnic groups
What is an ethnic group? Ethnic groups share many common characteristics, such as language, physical features, customs, and traditions.
What is a religious group? A religious group shares a common belief system, but not necessarily composed of a single ethnic group. Example: Some Arabs are Muslim, but not all Muslims are Arabs.
Christianity, Islam, Traditional In Africa, the three major religions are traditional beliefs, Christianity, and Islam. Traditional beliefs may include worship of ancestors, spirits, gods, animals, land, inanimate objects, and/or natural phenomena. In some cases these traditions are mixed with Christianity or Islam.
Ethnic Groups Arab – There are Muslims and Christians. In Africa most Arabs practice Islam. North Africa Ashanti –Practice traditional religions based on a mix of spiritual and supernatural powers. West Africa (Ghana)
Ethnic Groups Bantu – Practice traditional religion based on a belief in the power of ancestors in everyday life. Also practice Islam and Christianity depending on their location. Central and Southern Africa Swahili – Islam is the main religion. There is some traditional beliefs blended in with Islam. East Africa