S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, OPCs latest news Iseg OPC server Wiener OPC server
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Iseg OPC v 3.01 news - modules New name space server for the module (common asynchronous and synchronous readings) Still two CANbus lines, one for the crate one for the modules control Works very well under W2k, CPU load 5% for one module Under WXP still 99%. Company was able to reproduce the behavior and this will be fixed with the next release
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Iseg OPC v 3.01 news - modules (2) BrowseIsegSrv.exe the user can define its own namespace Alarm and Event server are included now in the same name space server with the Data server New features: –OPCserver release –CAN dll version –Status of the CAN bus Configuration of the relay and the regulation of the error are now accessible via the OPC server. Previously, was possible only via the isegHVM program.
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Configuration of the relay The module trips (all 32 channels) via a Reed Relay in the following condition: –Hardware current limit was exceeded at least one channel –Hardware voltage limit was exceeded at least one channel –Software current trip was exceeded at least one channel (slower than the hardware settings) –Safety loop active
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Configuration of the error threshold There are 4 classes defined by Iseg –Class 0 16 channels > 1kV standard (resolution 50000) –Class 1 8 channels <= 1kV standard (resolution 10 6 ) –Class 2 8 channels <= 1kV high precision (resolution 10 6 ) –Class 6 8 channels >1KV standard (resolution 50000) Factory settings are –Vo max /10 ex Vo max = 2.5Kv Error threshold = 250V for Class 0, 6 –Vo max /25 ex Vo max = 2.5Kv Error threshold = 100V for Class 1,2 The arming of the error detection is started while the actual voltage exceed one of these values stored before
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Iseg OPC v 3.01 news - crate (3) Still the firmware upgrading is done only via the isegHVM program For the OPC crate server a common space name server will be release at the end of July or latest middle of august Documentation has definitely improved
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Iseg OPC v 3.03 news!!! The latest release, on Friday, June 18, 10:30 It fixes the high CPU load on WXP A new CAN driver, able to do multithreading is now in use (previous releases did not had this characteristics) According with the company, error evaluation is improved, previously 60% of alarms were lost The company is running tests using the PVSS OPC clients
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Wiener OPC news The technical specification requested to Wiener (including the Maraton) were the following (see Lennarts talk) : –Should work and be maintained for Windows Operating System –Should be able to work with Kvaser PCI Can cards –Should be general purpose and cover the Low Voltage Power Supplies and the Crates
S.PopescuAlice DCS workshop, Colmar, Wiener OPC news Company answer was: –Name space definition will depend on the specific equipment, however same functions will have the same name space –For the near future WXP and KVASER PCI Can cards will be supported –A MARATON OPC server should be available by beginning of 2005 (depending on the outcome of the forthcoming tender for LV supplies)