A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF SEASONALITY ON MILK PRODUCTION IN A LARGE SCALE FARM IN KIAMBU COUNTY INVESTIGATOR: MUTUA JONES M. (2014) REG: J30/3462/2009 SUPERVISOR: DR. ABUOM T.O ABSTRACT. Dairy industry is an important agricultural subsector for long term production of milk from cows and currently from goats, sheep and camels. Milk production in Kenya is mainly concentrated on the highlands especially in central and rift valley provinces. It is mostly practiced by smallholder farmers who do it as zero grazing. The industry is mainly affected by changes in climatic conditions which are reflected in the quality and quantity of pastures produced among others leading to reduced milk productivity. A retrospective study was carried out in The University of Nairobi Veterinary farm (Kanyariri farm) on milk productivity in year 2011 and 2012 from January to December. Records of milk productivity on the mentioned years was taken and the avarage milk productivity per cow per day was calculated in microsoft excel from January to December. Milk productivity was observed to be low from August to end of October then started peaking up from November to January then dropped drastically in February it started peaking up again from March through to July.