Traditional African Religions


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Presentation transcript:

Traditional African Religions Take out a clean sheet of paper and set it up Cornell notes style Assess how traditional religions influenced African life Traditional African Religions

Do NOW Look over your quizzes If you have questions raise your hands

Describe the Different Religions of Africa Yoruba of West Africa- believed chief god sent son to Earth in canoe- created the people Ashanti people of Ghana- believed in supreme God whose sons were lesser gods Used religion for rules and success on life

How did Islam spread in Africa? Islam was introduced through trade African leaders allowed people to convert to Muslim By 1400s, much of the population south of the Sahara had converted to Islam

Who was Ibn Battuta? Lawyer who traveled the world Found most people in West Africa had been Muslim for centuries Saw not all women covered faces Most African knew Qur’an by heart

How did Mansa Musa React with Islam? Allowed people to practice own religions Wanted to spread Islam Traveled to Mecca in style 80 camels carried two tons of gold Met scholars of Islam and brought them back to Mali

Describe Islam’s Role in Songhai Leader of Songhai, Sunni Ali, became Islamic to keep merchants His family didn’t keep it after his death Gen. Muhammad Ture took over Made Songhai the largest empire in West Africa

What was Islam’s Effect on Africa? Spread to East Africa Swahili- blend of African and Muslim cultures- “people of the coast” Muslims schools introduced Arabic Influenced art and buildings