The Effects of Shift Work on Employees Feeling Sleepy? The Effects of Shift Work on Employees
Who is a shift worker? A shift worker is anyone whose work schedule falls outside the normal business day (7am-6pm) or normal daylight hours Common hours for a shift worker are evening hours or the middle of the night (11pm-7am) Rotating shifts is common – switching between day shifts and night shifts
Who is a shift worker? More than 15 million Americans are shift workers Shift workers include doctors, nurses, pilots, police officers, fire fighters, customer service representatives, and meteorologists
The need for shift workers Shift work can increase productivity through added labor help meet the demands of our 24-hour society provide emergency service outside of regular business hours
Potential risks of shift work Excessive sleepiness Fatigue in the work place Chronic illnesses Difficultly of balancing sleep, work, and personal/family time
Excessive Sleepiness Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep According to National Sleep Foundation polls, the majority of people do not get enough sleep Shift workers are forced to fight the circadian clock The circadian clock, the 24 hour wake-sleep cycle, explains that the strongest desire to sleep is between midnight and 6am It is difficult to stay awake during night shifts and equally difficult to fall asleep during the day Most shift workers get less sleep than daytime workers Lack of sleep can harm a person’s productivity, safety, health, memory, and mood
The Circadian Clock The Circadian Rhythm shows that the sleep urge peaks at midnight and extends through 6am
Fatigue in the Work Place Night shifts and lack of sleep can lead to fatigue in the work place 10-20% of night shift workers fall asleep on the job Some workers experience “microsleep”, an short period of sleep, lasting a few seconds, caused by sleep deprivation Shift workers can make more mistakes, move more slowly, and have more trouble remembering things It is important for shift workers to be awake and alert on night shifts Critical responsibilities: in hospitals, on police forces, for customer and public service, and for other emergencies
Chronic Illnesses Shift workers are more at risk for illnesses and disorders Sleep apnea – a sleep disorder found in 11.6% of the shift work population (5% of the total population), that includes symptoms of insomnia, reduced performance, irritability, and disrupted sleep schedules Cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases
Chronic Illnesses Shift workers are also more likely to have Stomach problems Menstrual irregularities Colds Flu Weight gain Higher blood pressure
Work/Life Balance A shift worker must deal with the difficulties of working during the night, sleeping during the day, and yet still finding enough time and energy for family, friends, and activities
Managing a Shift Work Schedule The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends several ways for management to improve shift work Keep consecutive night shifts to a minimum Avoid quick shift changes and keep the schedule regular and predictable Keep long shift work and overtime to a minimum Examine start-end times Plan some time-off or free weekends
Safe and Productive Working Conditions Employers can help ease the strain of shift work Providing the right amount of lighting and heat/air conditioning Provide a cafeteria with meals or encourage bringing nutritious food from home Plan for rest breaks
Staying Alert on a Night Shift Work with other employees and engage in conversation Be active during breaks Eat a light, healthy meal during your shift, as part of a 3 meal/day diet Don’t leave the less interesting work for the last few hours of the shift (night shift workers feel the most tired around 4 or 5am) If consuming a caffeinated beverage, do so before 3am or early in the shift
Getting Enough Sleep Make sleep a priority Take short naps in the evening or during the middle of the day Develop a schedule for sleeping after night shifts Follow regular bedtime habits before sleeping and try to sleep in a dark, quiet place by blocking out light and sounds Avoid alcohol or caffeine before bedtime Make time to relax or exercise to relieve any stress caused by work
From the Eyes of a Shift Worker… According to National Weather Service meteorologist, James Richardson: Disadvantages of Shift Work Sleeping during the day after a night shift Missing out on family time Driving home while tired – 30 minute commute Advantages of Shift Work Days off in the middle of the week Less commute time (non-rush hour)
From the Eyes of a Shift Worker… The National Weather Service manages shift work scheduling to improve employee safety and efficiency Duties and forecasting deadlines keep workers busy and alert Most deadlines are at 5am, which gives a few hours after the deadlines to work on extra things Scheduling with rotations and adequate staff 2 forecasters and 1 technician on duty during a night shift Typical schedule: 3-4 evening (2pm-10pm or 4pm-midnight) shifts Next day after last evening shift, go in at midnight 3-4 midnight shifts (12am-8am) in a row Followed by 2 days off 5-6 day shifts (7am-3pm or 8am-4pm)
In Conclusion Shift work has several disadvantages However, our 24-hour society demands shift work Many different actions can be taken in order to improve productivity and the well-being of each employees
References Richardson, James. Personal Interview. 10 Dec. 2006. Rosa, Roger R. and Michael J. Colligan. “Plain Language about Shiftwork.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention. July 1997. U.S. Department of Health and Human Service. 5 Dec. 2006 “Shift Work.” National Sleep Foundation SleeptionaryTM. 2005. National Sleep Foundation (NSF). 5 Dec. 2006 The Working Group on Challenges Facing NWS Shift Workers. “The Challenges Facing National Weather Service Shift Workers.” National Weather Service Employees Organization. 16 July 2003. 9 Dec. 2006 7 Dec 2006
Graphics Arthur, Don. “Circadian Rhythm – Normal.” Chart. 9 Dec. 2006 “Aviation.” Graphic. 9 Dec. 2006 “Fire fighter.” Graphic. City of Clovis California. 9 Dec. 2006 “Laying fire.” Graphic. USDA Forest Service. 9 Dec. 2006 “National Weather Service.” Graphics. National Weather Service. 11 Dec. 2006