The Meaning of Life?
The Classic Western World View God created the universe and everything in it. God Governs the Universe with a divine plan We are created by God with a specific purpose We need only find that purpose to discover our deepest joy
The death of Transcendent Meaning
The Existential Vacuum Camus “The Myth of Sisyphus.” Beckett “Waiting for Godot.” Sartre “No Exit.” Themes: No higher meaning Life ends in the oblivion of death Boredom Apathy
How do we fix this problem?
Viktor Frankl on Meaning 1905-1997 Man’s Search for Meaning Meaninglessness is the central problem of the modern world We can’t find meaning in our lives and so we respond with depression, aggression, and addiction Meaning can never be found in self-focus and self- centeredness Meaning can only be found in Self-Trascendence
The Problem with Hedonsim The Theories that Frankl Criticizes all depict human nature as self- focused and self-fixated.
Frankl thinks that human nature can only be fulfilled by Self-Transcendence 1. Creating a work or doing a deed 2. Loving someone or serving a cause 3. Having the right attitude toward inevitable suffering