HOPE SCHOOL Randburg ,Westcliff Gauteng , Johannesburg SENIOR BOYS GTP HOPE SCHOOL Randburg ,Westcliff Gauteng , Johannesburg
Appliances and plugs Switch off plugs when not in use ! Save electricity ! Switch off plugs when finish to use ! Everyone should turn off plugs when not in use, it saves energy and saves the planet at the same time
Lights Switch of lights when leaving the room Use LED lights or energy saving bulbs
heaters Turn off heaters over night Ceiling isolation to preserve heat in buildings during winter which will lead to less energy wasted through use of heaters Avoid using heaters instead use warm blankets and hot water bottles Use under ground heating system instead of heaters
geyser We can save energy by switching the geyser off at night Solar geysers can be useful to save energy in terms off different power source[solar] Save energy-save money -Some geysers only heats up when tap is on instead of always heating inside
Living in a clean healthy world Freezers operate efficiently when filled Never forget that only one-tenth of a freezer's capacity should be used for freezing of fresh food at any one time. Food to be frozen should be placed in contact with those parts of the freezer that contain the refrigerant tubes. In a single door unit, it is essential that the separate freezer compartment has its own door intact. Otherwise the unit will tend to operate the whole of the refrigerator as a freezer - this can be expensive.
HYDRO electricity Cheaper Saves coal There’s no pollution Sustainable Renewable
Solar panels
Cow dung electricity