Repeat Prescribing Ensure at least one member of staff has received Practice Medicines Co-ordinator training (or equivalent) Ensure repeat requests are reviewed to confirm they are for appropriate quantities, contacting the patient and synchronising items where necessary. Practices must ensure that where repeat requests from third parties are resulting in multiple interventions, this is challenged and action taken to reduce these. Increase use of electronic transfer of prescriptions (EPS) Increase use of e-Repeat Dispensing (eRD) EPS current range (0 to 92%) based on potential EPS items (excludes those not allowed and all items for dispensing patients Use of EPS delivers time savings for GPs and practice staff - an average practice (53.4% EPS, 10,920 patients per month) saves an average of 80 minutes of GP time every day by signing electronic repeat dispensing prescriptions versus paper. More info and the benefits of EPS can be found at: eRD current range (0-39% of active users) Use of eRD is included as it can help free GP and practice time in managing repeat processes. NHS Digital can provide practices with specific patient information as to which patients have not had a change in medication for a period of time and are therefore suitable for eRD. For further information: 27/11/2018
OP Follow Up Reduction Programme CCG current spend on OP follow-up attendances is £26m of which £18, is with Worcestershire Acute; Purpose of this initiative is to reduce secondary care provider contracts by 10% £1.8m. This equates to circa 9 patients per practice per week; Initiative has the full support of Worcestershire Acute Staff through joint Steering Group; Aim is to improve F/Up pathways through efficiencies NOT to shift follow up care to primary care.
OP Follow Up Reduction Programme Rationale: Increase capacity at WAHT to enable repatriation of out of area activity and achieve Worcestershire healthcare system gain. Primary Care Audit of follow up lists at practice level and estimate opportunity for Zero follow up Alternative to traditional follow up Joint discussions with consultant colleagues and GPs to agree revised pathways. Acute trust Review key clinical specialties with greatest opportunity for follow up reduction. Consultant peer review of variation in numbers of outpatients follow-up appointments between clinicians.